Ch.9: Trash and Loss.

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"Don't just stand there! Try and brace it with something!" Leia shouted, "Help me!"

Nahaia, Han, Serene, and Luke tried to help her place a long metal bar in between the two walls.

The threatening, rusty groaning got much louder.

"That's useless!" Liam said, "These walls are made purposely to crush rubbish into a very thin plaque! It'll have no trouble at all crushing that mediocre piece of metal!"

"Gee, thanks, smarty pants!" Han yelled, "Real helpful!"

As he spoke, the space in between the walls got much smaller and their pole started to bend upwards.

Chewbacca uselessly tried pushing on the walls, letting out a roar of strain.

"Hey! Mr. Know-it-all! How about you come help us out instead of insulting our efforts!?" Han yelled.

He was ignored.

Liam frowned in thought and muttered: "We need to be smart about this. Oh! Hey Luke! Tell R2 to disable the garbage mashers in the detention level!"

"Wait a minute, that's genius!" Luke said, taking his comlick out.

Han rolled his eyes, "I'm glad I spoke up," he said.

"3PO! Come in, 3PO!" Luke yelled, "3PO! Where could he be!? 3PO!!!!"

At this point, the space in between the walls wasn't bigger than the Millennium's Falcon's cockpit.

"Han!" Nahaia yelled, "I just want you to know, before we die, I'm the one who ate your Jogan fruit bagel!"

"What!? You said it was Greedo!!"

"I lied! And he just happened to be there, a perfect scape goat!"

"3PO!" Luke yelled, "Come in, 3PO!"

Leia held on to Liam for dear life. Nahaia tried to throw a metal lid at the door, trying to break it. The disk simply bounced off, narrowly missing Han's head.

"I'd so love to have a lightsaber right now," Serene muttered to herself, "could've melted the door!"

Under the stressful circumstances, she'd completely forgotten that Luke had the lightsaber he'd used to free her from her chains. She remembered, later on, when they were out of the Death Star, safe and sound, and felt incredibly stupid.

She was surprised when she realized she didn't feel terrified. Instead, she felt like everything was gonna be alright. She wasn't screaming in fear, she was just waiting for the walls to stop moving. She didn't understand the logic behind her emotions

She then remembered his father's words.

"Logic is overrated," Obi-Wan said, holding his seven year old daughter in his arms.

"That's rich, coming from you, General I-must-always-have-a-plan!" Zara said playfully, placing the newly washed laundry out on a rock to dry in the Tatooinian suns.

Obi-wan smiled at her.

Why the hell am I getting flashbacks right now? Serene thought.

"3PO, will you come in!?" Luke yelled, bringing her back to the real world.

"One thing's for sure. We're all gonna be a lot thinner," Han said.

"Think positive!" Liam said, "You won't have to smell all this trash anymore!"

"We're not going to die," Serene said.

"Oh yeah? Wanna tell me how you know that?" Han said.

"I just do," she smirked

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