Ch.10: The Galaxy's in good hands.

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The trip was deadly quiet.

The moment they were safe aboard the ship, they'd all taken turns taking a well-deserved shower, wanting to get rid of the dreadful garbage chute smell. Liam had some trouble, because of his injury, but he managed.

Serene had fallen asleep on her mother's shoulder. The moment they'd climbed into the Millennium Falcon, they finally had their reunion, after all those years apart.

Zara held her daughter close. She hadn't seen the poor girl in so long. Using her purple lightsaber, she'd removed Serene's shackles, so she was now weight free.

A small tear rolled down the sleeping girl's cheek. Zara gently wiped it away, knowing she was dreaming of her father.

Unlike her daughter, Zara wasn't grieving. She knew well enough that her husband was now one with the Force and that he wasn't really gone.

Chewbacca and Han were relaxing in the cockpit.

Luke and a green-haired Nahaia were sitting side by side around the chess table. Not a sound could be heard between them, but she understood his emotions perfectly and had a comforting hand placed on his shoulder. He missed his mentor. That was certain. She would've wanted to tease him about his crush on Serene, but she knew it wasn't the right moment.

Even the droids were silently mourning Obi-Wan's death.

Leia was tending to Liam's wound.

"You'll be fine," she said, "it's not the worst injury I've ever seen."

Liam smiled at her.

"Thanks..." he muttered, lying down.

She smiled and walked away.

Liam took his mother's picture out of his pocket and stared at it.

"It's uncanny. She looks very similar to you, Mom," he sighed, before letting the soft humming of the Millennium Falcon lull him to sleep.

As he did, Leia went to pick up a blanket to place on Luke's shoulders. She then sat by his side.

Nahaia locked eyes with her and a silent message passed between them.

"I just can't believe he's gone," Luke admitted.

Leia eyed Nahaia carefully.

"There wasn't anything you could have done," Leia said.

"What matters is we're safe now," Nahaia added.

In the cockpit, a new problem had risen.

"We're coming up on their sentry ships. Hold them off. Angle the deflector shields while I charge up the main guns," Han told Chewie, running towards the main area.

He immediately noticed Luke's unhappy brow.

"Come on buddy. We're not out of this yet," he said.

Nahaia, Luke, and Leia got to their feet. Luke's blanket fell on the floor.

Zara shook Serene awake.

"Waz-goin'-on?" she muttered.

"Luke, Nahaia, get to the guns," Han ordered, "the others... uh... just stand by."

Nahaia nodded.

"Come on Luke!" she said.

Han ran back into the cockpit, closely followed by Leia and Serene.

"What's going on?" the young Jedi said.

"We're being followed."

Luke and Nahaia finally climbed to their posts and put their headsets on.

I fight for our lives - Luke SkywalkerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin