Khalid looked down at her rook, frowning. It was true that she had a clear line to his king. "I still have my move, and I can move my king out of check." He reached for his king, his eyes scanned the board. He paused. Wait... this was.

There was no safe move for his king, and he had no pieces available to him to block her rook.

When had she gotten her knight over there?

Fajr smiled at him smugly. He narrowed his dark eyes at her. Then his expression turned indifferent. He spread out his hands. "You won."

Her smile was radiant. She leaned over the board, rested her arms on the board "So what do I deserve?" She asked amusedly.

Khalid leaned forward, their noses only inches away; "it is not like a big deal. you know I can't drive these days. you have to wait."

"We can walk to the nearby mall."

He looked at her directly and said slowly; "you wanted to go tonight?!"

She nodded dramatically. Khalid paused for a minute as if thinking; "Ok."

Fajr asked in disbelief; really?!

"You'd better hurry and get ready before I change my mind." Fajr's face lit up as she started gathering the chess pieces. Khalid moved his attention to the chess board as well. Suddenly he grabbed her hand. The chess pieces fell from her hand on the board.

Fajr raised her head to look him in the eye. Although his face was clam, she could sense the seriousness in his expression. The feel of his palm pressed above her hand trapping her hand on the board. 

"Fajr, do not you think it's time for us to have a new beginning?!" He made a questioning sound as he slowly ran his index finger along hers in a lazy rhythm. Fajr swallowed hard and tried to maintain her composure. His gaze fixed on the spot where he touched, then traveled to her eyes.

Her breath caught, she repeated; "a new beginning?"

"A new beginning for our life together, as a real husband and wife!" he clarified as simple as that.

His confession was so unexpected. it took her off guard for a moment.

"Where has this come from so suddenly?!" Fajr was stumped. She looked down at the chess pieces, looking anywhere but at his face, which only made him smile.

"OK let me put my say a little more clearly, I want to start a family with you, Fajr... I want to have a child... it comes from my sincere desire every time I look at you. Do you get it?"

Her face was like the blushing of the east when the morning sun is charged to rise. The rose buds were blooming on her cheeks as Khalid unexpectedly lifted her hand to his lips and bent his head to place a kiss on the top of her hand. Her heart beats suddenly raced.

"Won't you say anything?" He asked her.

Even if she hadn't spoken, he could hear what it wasn't spoken from the way her fingers moved to clutch his.

"You just caught me off guard, Khalid. You left me speechless for a minute."

He kept staring at her hand and started stroking her fingers with his thumb in a continuous movement.

"well at least tell me that you accept my offer"

A shy smile spread across her lips before she nodded.

"listen, I'll take you shopping. I promise, but not tonight! You know shopping spoils my mood... let's have a walk on the beach instead. It will be an unforgettable night.!"

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