Please Text me , call me, if youre not angry I don't want you hating me .

Oh god. What's happening to my life? Why am I tangled to this situations now? I sigh

He Babe, what's with the Long face? Emcii asked she was seated shotgun

Yes Babe and you were so silent, don't tell me youre on your period cause that sucks, because Ryder told me there would be swimming involve in this camping or whatever pamii rants while driving

Nope.. I'm good just a bit peachy that's all I passed them a weak smile

Ooooowwwkaaaayy.... Emcii eyes me suspiciously before saying you're telling us everything later but for now suit yourself she chirped, there's no escape to her

We came by the gas station and theres no Lamborghini's parked there but a metalic blue Ford truck and the three guys were there leaning on the truck Ryder was smoking his cigarette when he saw us coming he waved a hand and grinned widely same with Blake and Axel, when we got out of the car they gave us each a bear hug with involves our feet not touching the ground , when its Axel's turn to hug me he lift me off the ground and twirls me , I laughed oh my god, I missed you, look at how tall you are now he said like an awestruck uncle seeing his niece for the first time for years as he ruffled my hair very funny uncle Axel I teased and everybody laughed

You girls ready? Ryder questions enthusiastically

Wait! Pamii huffed where's Haynes Kirk and your other friend? She questions

They're with Ryce , we should be all coming today but  Ryce called he's going to practice since Haynes and Kirk were the ones managing the Car they should be there to check him out. Ryder explained and we three nodded

Don't worry they say they're coming later Blake said taking our bags from the back of Pamii's car

Why are you taking those emcii questioned Blake squinting her eyes on him , Blake flashes her a cute smile
Were all taking my truck you can't use your car to where were going he said  okay so that explains it

We were now all seated Blake's truck ,heading to a foresty drive this is a place of town I wasn't aware of even I live here for the past 15 years of my life and by the look on pamii and emcii faces they're also clueless to where we were headed,  I'm seated between pamii and Axel and Ryder was on Pamii's side that means Blake's was the driver and emcii was on again on shutgun
Ryder opened a little cooler taking out a can of beer

Yo Blake! Ryder called and handed the beer to Blake and chucking one to Axel which he catch swiftly, Axel opened the beer and took a long swig on the bitter liquid, Ryder also gave pamii a can which she gladly accepted and emcii also wanted hers,

What the hell?! I blurted out

Whaaaat?! They all said out loud

You guys were drinking and Blake was driving are you all out of your minds? I scolded that earned a laugh from them

Oh god ! I didnt know your such a goody two shoes! Ryder chuckles

Hearing that makes my heart beats fast and my face flushed red ,

Pamii and emcii looked at me wide eyed

Old habits die hard? Pamii questioned

I.Am.Not.A.Goody.Two.Shoes I deadpaned, crossing my arm I glared at them, a moist an cold object touched my cheeks and I squeaked , it was Axels beer can

Come on Kat's live a little he grinned
And handed me his beer everybody was eyeing me so is Blake who's eyes was also on my using the mirror, taking the beer in axels hand I huffed fuck you guys! And take a long swig on the liquor that made everybody Hoots and Cooed Blake turned up the Electro music.

         We arrived on a villa that Blake's family owned he said it was constructed 2 years ago and this is his 2nd summer he got here ,

What's the point on staying at a hotel if you have a beautiful place to stay? Pamii asked in a duh- tone Blake chuckled

Aside its far from the town , we don't have a servants here he answers that made emcii do an eye roll

We didn't get the time to tour the place cause the guys were so ecstatic about going by the lake, it is a 5 minute walk from the villa , the grass where so green and well kept its like you were walking on a golf course  we entered a garden more like a forest if you ask me cause there were some huge trees and pine tress but there were also flowering plants that are arranged on the place benches and a gazebo on the corner with a white tea table and chairs ,when we passed the garden whe all gasped to see the lake side , you could see the mountain from there it was surrounded with trees the water was clear , a huge tree on a higher ground its branches was tilted towards the water, ther is a branch that has a thick rope tied in it means we could swing from there and land on the deep part of the lake, ahead of us was a dock the guys immediately put everything down

Woah! This place is so cool I whispered

The guys were like kids running and laughing to the dock while striping their clothes off

Boys , they're like 5th graders on a field trip. Emcii said a bit chuckling and rolled her eyes but taking off her sandals

Bitch you're no different! Let's go!! Pamii was all so excited with this also and they race towards the guys direction

I huff Kids.

we played like we never played before its like were on a different place a different time that only us knew, i have forgotten about those two

thats what i thought.

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