Confusion and Comfort

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KayTie? In his eyes there were emotions that I cannot comprehend Guilt? Longing? Sadness? I cannot tell maybe he was just confused or he's just trying to know if I was the real Katriss fox in front of him,but theres knowingness in him ,he really knew it was me, how can't he? You dated for almost a year

My palms are sweaty , my scalp is prickling , my heart was hammering , what should I do? What should I say? He Lied to you kats , he made you believe what you have was real turns out to be he was just playing you to get someone else in my head my conscience was scolding me Anger Hatred was bulging inside of me... All the pain of betrayal I kept locked up in the corner of my heart all the memories I kept hidden on the darkest deepest abys in my mind , released, unlocked

I yanked my arm unclamping it from his grip

Trevor the bitterness of the name rolled on my tongue, coldness runs on my viens

His reaction was understandable, shocked, Stammered, his face giving him away I knew it was you he mumbled under his breath

Long time No see I started Never thought I'd see you again I continued

He tilts his head up eyes closed letting out a long sigh and then face me again , theres Sadness in his eyes I- I'm Sorry Kaytie he breaths slowly and softly A pang of pain Stings straight right on my chest I know I messed up he continued but- its not what you think , its was really called off before- Befo- i cut him off I can't take this Sorry? Sorry for all those years

I don't need your Sorry Trevor, Sorry is when you did a bad thing and you didn't mean it, THAT, doesn't apply on you I hissed and I Don't Need Your Explanation , my voice Hoar's I gotta get out or else I'd crack and that is not good I can't cry here specialty not in from of him I can taste viel going up on my throat I swallowed excuse me I turned to walk away but before I could even make my first step he caught my wrist Please KayTie hear me out! there's panic in his voice you- you left before I can even Explain before I could even defend my part please he pleads desperation was all over his voice I kept my back on him not turning around I cannot see his face on that state , o my god I have to get out fast water was seeping in my eyes when an gentle arm was slung on my shoulders startled my head snapped on the person
Cookie where have you been I've been looking for you? He asked , he was staring at my face when his eyes traveled down where Trevor was gripping and up to the guys face, his forehead creased who's he? He asked his face confused as he turned to face me and back to Trevor , I turned to look at Trevor he was eyeing Chryslers arm which was around my shoulders I saw how Trevor closes his fist so hard it turns white his jaws was clenched tight this is not good, Trevor steps closer taking Chrys arm off my shoulder yanking me on his side , one thing you should know about Trevor He's Possessive I'm His Boyfriend he hissed , which made me frown , what did he just say? Boyfriend? Did he just really said that? What the fuck?! What is he's problem , Chrysler craned his neck as he peek over Trevor's Shoulders looking at me ,is it true cookie? He asked looking smug , I felt Trevor's gripped tighten and he stiffen , asshole , I yanked my wrisk to free myself again from his gripp No! I growled he's my ex I informed , No! Trevor hissed but Chrysler stepped in and takes me to his side Nah- Bro , she's mine not yours scratching the back of his neck Chrys Smirked , both of Trevors fist was clenched I know what will happen next , so I butt in your not my Boyfriend anymore Trevor , snaking my arm around Chryslers I dragged him out there ,

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