Blonde BlueGreen Coincidents Happens

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Its friday 10oc'lock pm, I'm on my dorm room , emcii and pamii just left , earlier after school they both came  and rampaged my closet, they say *first you do if you want to change is to change your appearance and by changing your appearance you gotta change your style*, they took away my clothes only left me with a jeans a shirt approved to thier liking that I'll be using tomorrow for SHOPPING *since I sucked at fashion* my undies and a pair of pajamas , honestly I'm a bit excited but a lot nervous, I walked towards the kitchen ,I don't know what will happen tomorrow what would others think of me? how would I look like? Argh! I mentally slapped myself , don't think about others opinion Kats your going to change for yourself not for others,, gosssshhh!!! I need something to eat and whenever I feel shitty there's only one food I always go for *OREO* yep that's my comfort food ,I opened the fridge to get some milk, I poured it full on a tall glass , I opened the cabinet on top of the sink and viola!! I'm out of stock, damnit, luckily there's a nearby 7/11 from this building  its just a few blocks away , I tied my hair into a loose bun , I looked myself into the mirror to check if I don't look like an Axe murderer or a homeless how bow  I frowned at my reflexion , I'm wearing a blue  pajama pants with cookie monster prints  and a white tank top, I don't wanna go out like this damnit but I don't have a choice I got nothing else to wear geeez..
Guess I really have no choice, Oreo here I Come!! I grabbed my black white and red Bench varsity jacket and head out,

When I'm inside the convenience store I immediately walked towards the isle where they put the cookies , minutes later I'm still deciding which flavor should I get, its a tough decision to do for me you know but just like last times I end up taking all, there's a line in the cashier so it'll take time, happy over my oreos Yet getting bored on the line, I looked over outside and I saw this gorgeous guy he's Blonde but have this BlueGreen Highlights on he's messy but sexy hair, black stud earing he's in all badboy look, he suddenly looked inside the store  his eyes fell on mine  he grinned , I held my breath my mouth is dry, I lower my eyes to avoid eye contact but my heart raised when I saw what he was wearing, we got the same jacket Design and color, oh my, I snapped out of my thoughts when suddenly a girl jabbed him in the chest , she seemed angry but the guy looked like he didn't care he just stand there Bored looking

Mam? Mam. The cashier called oh! Sorry I said hurriedly , I placed my oreos in the counter and paid i pushed the situation outside out of my head grabbed the paper bag and walk to the door , I was looking down when i pushed open the door , then I heard this deep sexy voice

Oh! Here she is , about time, the guys with blonde blue green hair spoke, I lift my face up and saw him walked towards my direction I looked over my shoulders because maybe he's referring to someone else but there's no one there, is he talking to me? Quickly he snaked his arms on my waist hi there cookie he greeted me, What the?  Cookie? I stiffened in his grasp my eyes widened when he suddenly pressed a kiss on top of my head , I felt shivers crawl down my spines,What is he doing? I'm glued on my place , as I tried to speak but he quickly cuts me off , Here she is Monique , Do you Believe me now? The guy spoke in a questioning tone, the girl looked at him then to me and back to him she looked  shock, maybe she's he's girlfriend or something god, what situation I'm into, Tears fall from the girls eyes  , I tried to move out of him but he gripped me tighter on my waist to keep me from moving, sorry cookie she just have to know that I'm already taken and tamed , he winked , I narrowed my eyes to him, another asshole , the girl sobbed and I can see how much she's hurt maybe she really love this guy I know it I've been there, You lying cheating Bastard!!! The girl said trough greeted teeth fuck you Jerk!!! She shouted ,the guys must have been ticked he answered her oh no baby, I've fucked you and you're no fun!, I held my breath to his come back, I looked up to him but he didn't even looked bothered or regretted a single word, I looked over the girl she looked devastated she turned to her heels and walked away , the guy Laughed  , I feel pain in my chest I can't take this guy he's so insensitive plus he's a jerk , Why did you do that to her?! Anger shot like bullets to my head I shouted ,the by passers were looking at us witch I didn't realize that are present there couple of minutes ago but now I don't care, he stopped laughing  stands up straight looking at me he put his right hand inside his right pocket and his left hand brushes his hair his lips twitch into a grin why? You ask? hmmm he put his palm on his chin looking like he was thinking I don't like her anymore ,she's so clingy I told her we should break up but she won't agree and won't quit so I gotta do what I gotta do, he shrugged
So you Used me?! I said glaring at him , this guy guy is just like the others he's no different from King Devoghn my other exes and all cheating bastards , this is the reason sometimes you can't trust those who have pretty faces they can be deceiving, its hard to trust specially when it comes to your heart, this is sickening me

Hey, I saw you gawking at me earlier he said grinning from ear to ear thought you won't mind labled as my girlfriend even for a short while, you seemed the NICE type ,plus see he motioned to our jackets looks like we have these couples whatever, she will really think were together he chuckles a bit talk about coincidence

I arched a brow , I won't be the same girl anymore I have to stand up for myself ,if I'm going to change why not now instead tomorrow?
No, I'm not gawking at you Mr. Dream on I said coldly , he stepped closer to me I didn't think you were quite q fighter cookie ,tought you were the silent type, I like that, say? Since I saw you drooling over me inside the store earlier, wanna be my girl? I'm kinda single now I just broke up with my girlfriend he looked amused and he still has that stupid grinn in his face ,oh no I won't loose to this guy , I also stepped closer to him I'm looking up to him since his a bit taller and his looking down on me our faces are an inch away I can feel his hot breath I can smell mint from him my heart is beating fast I looked into his eyes I can see he's a bit shocked but his face ain't giving away more Conceited much are you? Sorry but your not my type, I smiled ,back off a bit turn on my heels and walked away, my heart is still pounding but I'm feeling good, think I'm liking the new me concept , when I'm a few feet away I heard him shouted

I Maybe not your type now, but nextime you will, I assure you that,, till we meet again COOKIE!

I hope not I yelled back, I won't bee fooled again by the likes of you or king anymore,

When I got home I immediately munched my oreos , if guys were cheaters and Heartbreakers Guess Two can play that game.


gosh!!! I love this chapter :-D

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