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    Chrys didn't talked to me after we got home he got up in his room without a word , I know why its because of my stupid drunk mouth , I had too much alcohol and I let my body act not my brain, but he doesn't have to be so angry its not like I was the only person doing that Geeeeeez! I !as just enjoying the night and trying to get over the craziness from the last couple of days, why would he even care? He's the playboy here!
I grumpily entered the shower , letting the cold water caress my skin that felt nice , I slipped on on a white flowery pajama and a black lacy tank top , its 2am and I'm not sleepy I wasn't that drunk anymore thanks to that cold shower , I felt a little dry and gone down the kitchen quick and took a glass of water with me in my room deciding to take a little bit of air from the veranda , viewing the site of our backyard I took a deep breath of the cold air OK now I'm satisfied and ready to sleep, rubbing my eyes I spotted something not he couch making me scream but not so loud, its the couch where I fall asleep with Chrys.. It wasn't moving though so I anjusted my sight because it was a bit dark out here and only the light of the moon was there to give light, i walked close to distinguish what it was , it imidiately registered to me that It was the plushee Chrys had last night, he forgot,  I picked it up , and it was a cute Cookie Monster Plushee , I didn't know Chrys was into cute things? I took it to the bed with me,

   After a good 20minutes of flipping and rolling in bed, Arrrrgggghhh! I groaned why can't I sleep, I was lying on my stomach facing cookie monster and he was staring back at me

I know I'm stupid, don't rub it in my face I spat, and cookie monster was still  staring
I can't help it I'm drunk! I was just trying to have fun and forget some things not a word not a blink
OK you win, I shouldn't have said that he was just worried I get it  you probably think I'm insane because I was talking to a non living plush toy, honestly, I also hay no idea , arrrrggghh I groaned if you aren't so cute I won't do this, just pray he's still awake! I jumped out of bed and grab the blue plushee,

Godmemit! Why the hell I'm doing this again? Because your guilty , idiot.

    I silently closed my bedroom door and quietly walked the carpeted hallways towards the playroom where now was Chrys room, tightly hugging cookie monster on my chest, I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I was standing by his door, taking a couple of deep breath before softly knocked three times , he didn't answer, tried to knock again but it was the same no response, maybe tomorrow its late anyways , I sigh ,I lost all hope to talk to him until I saw a dim flickering light coming from the gap down his door , pressing my ears on the cold wood I heard low voices, he's watching,
That bastard , I was here thinking he was asleep but the fucking truth we was just watching and not bothering to answer his damn door! Anger shot up my head and the next thing I knew I turned the knob and swing open his door,
     I found him there sitting by the foot of his king sized bed holdng a beer bottle watching I don't know some random documentary on discovery channel, he was startled but didn't bother standing up he just looked at me for a second then back at the TV like I wasn't there anymore, he felt I wasn't moving an inch or even tried talk to him or get out so he asked What do you want?! His voice deep and cold staring blankly on the TV, did I tell you he doesn't have a shirt? Now you know why I haven't move an inch , luckily I snapped out of my frozen state and averted my eyes somewhere not his abs or his biceps or his chest cause they were damn perfect, I tossed him the plush toy, he stared at it for a while the he tossed it back to me, I caught it ofcourse but I was confused ,
You left it in my room, I'm just giving it back I spat

Its not mine he answer bringing the mouth of the beer bottle into his he shrugged

No? Then who is? It isn't mine either and your the one carrying it last time I checked I hissed

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