CHANGE? Let me think about it

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"Oh God! Babe,that's more fucked up than the gossips at school, is that really what happened? I'm so sorry, I should've forced you to stay away from that jerk even if you don't want to" pamii leaned to me spreading her arm with a hug

Where in my doorm room and I just told them what really happened that day , I just wished the gossips was the truth , that they just kissed in front of me then King broke up with me on the day of our monthsary to be with Betty ,,yah its Betty the one my BFF's calls Booby the slut , but what irritates me was they were saying that I miss nice just handed my Boyfriend to Betty with a smile , sure I pick up trash and throw it in the garbage , let my classmate's copies my works, helps people in need when they needed it, Yes I go to church every Sundays, go to school everyday and never cut classes , makes my assignments pass projects on time, donate for charities, help old people cross the streets , never swear in front of people OK..OK the I'm Nice after all, but it doesnt mean I just handed my Boyfriend that way , it just hurts so much for my part seeing him like that, I just didn't expected he's just like the rest, I mentally slapped my self   stupid me he's a jock, him? dating you is questionable already, him, being a player is so cliche,

"Kats Babe you're pretty you shouldn't waste your time for some jerks, I'm not gonna tell you we-told-you-so cause by the end of the day its your choice not ours, but aren't you tired? I mean with all the cheating and stuff?" Emcii asked with concern in her face,

yeah I'm tired of it but I don't know what to do, I don't know who will take me seriously and who will just play I'm no mind reader

"I am, but look at me girls ,I'm not like you" my voice was cracked and it feels like I'm going to cry

"Babe were your friends , you got confidence locked up somewhere in there you just gotta let it out,were your friends for a reason,birds of the same feathers flock's together " emcii giggles to what she just said

"Yea ,you just needed a bit of change , there's no a little bit of lipstick can do to your already beautiful face Babe" pamii grin's from ear to ear

"Oh no you won't!!" I snapped racing my voice a little ,

'"Ow come on" they both whined

"Its about time girl your 19 you should come out of your cocoon and spread your damn gorgeous wings!!" As pamii drops herself laying on my bed

"and you're in good hands, come on! we wanted to do this for years, just let us , we promise you, you'll be good as new" emcii pleads

"you know its not my thing" pressing my lips on a thin line, they always wanted to do me a makeover yet I always turn them down they always insisted it , its not because I don't want to but I'm just scared, Changing your appearance might also change who you are ,I'm not that confident I'm scared of my own shadows , I always tie my dark brown slightly wavy hair in a ponytail since grade school and I'm still stocked up to it until now , I never tried make up just lip balm , I always like fashionable clothes but never tried to wear them I always go for jeans and shirts, I'm this plain girl I'm a culinary arts student cooking is my love not fashion anyways, unlike my friends emcii and pamii are fashion majors ,well they should be, we've been friends for all our lives we all grew up together our fathers are friends that's why we were always together when we were kids, were more like sisters ,but I'm the one whose not on the popular side like them

"Babe!!" Emcii snapping her finger in front of my face, oh my I spaced out

,"aa what?" I asked like I don't know what's happening around me

'soo what?! Make over?" I now remember what they were talking about

"uhm let me think about it" locking eyes in my hands

They both gasped in Horror, they looked at each other and squealed jumping up and down in my bed like kids

"Oh my god she's considering it!!!" Pamii says it in squealing voice

"Oh were soooo gonna make her supper pretty , all the boys will gape at her, I can see them drooling over her already , I can't wait to see Kings face when she sees her, He'll beg for her to take him back!!! Cause she's gonna be all HOT like Us!!!" Emcii talked so excitedly

"Uhm girls I didn't say YES yet" I said eyeing them

" ohh you will " they both said in unison in all that Alice in wonderland cat smile plastered on there faces , it creeps me out.


So there's going a lot in my mind right now I hope I can put it all in the story :-D

Thanks guys for reading


Thanks guys.


No More Ms.NiceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora