Playing with fire

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His kiss was forceful at first but eventually turned soft and gentle his eyes was closed like he was feeling the moment ,if you think I responded, No I did not, why? Cause I was too surprised to even move my brain cells just died cause I'm freaking out he kissed me ,he just kissed me? Is it real? I even moved my lips just a little to feel if it was real and I'm like OMG! OMG! It was real!!! Very fucking real!!! My head was spinning because of a series of WHY'S in my head but I was being brought back to reality by his soft lips but then I realize the hell I'm freaking out? This guy kissed me just because he hated his brother I closed my eyes and sigh I have to be calm I don't want him to think he got this effect on me , in order to win over this guys game I have to play it with him and this is not the first time I was kissed so get a hold of yourself girl, I might feel giddy inside because he truly has some undeniable effect on my heart and body, he doesn't have yo know , he pulled out of the kiss and slowly opened his eyes ,he met mine I raised a brow at him and I pulled a smirk Are you done? I asked bored I knew he was taken aback clearly he was waiting for my appropriate reaction TO SLAP HiM yes, cause every girl would do that because a guy kissed her and they're not even dating but that only make him know he won ,I don't know why I'm turning this to a competition but its the only way for me not freak out on him now, his lips curved on an amused smirk You're not gonna slap me cookie? He asked in amusement straighten his posture to look more intimidating ,I guessed right, and why should I do that huh? I asked trying o look as much amused as him on the situation looking up at him , his lips slightly parted and turned to an open smirk and then he placed his hands again on either side of my head lowering his face close to mine Because you liked my kiss? He said , huh! He's confident as always even though my heart was pumping wildly this bastard needs to be taught, wait till I crush that arrogance of his, NO. I started crossing my arms over my chest my facial expression was blank I can't afford to be read, You think this was the first time I was kissed? I exhaled audibly and pushed him away please, cut me some slack will you? I chuckled walking right to my bed ,Chrys follow my every move , i sat cross leg while my hands pressed on the mattress on either of my sides tilting my head to the side and I'll tell you, I was kissed better than that many times I bragged No, I was never kissed better than that and I wasn't even responding Im a liar, cause I have better reason too right? Then he walk to me and kneeled infront of me placing himself inbetween my thighs his arms on either of my sides his gaze was on mine I stiffened you gotta play it cool geeeeeeeeeeez...... You should've told me you were jealous of your brother well that put him off cause he gripped the sheets hard and glare I am not jealous of that Jerk! He growled and stand up I crossed my arms and glared back Clearly you are and your brother is not a JERK! Its you who is.. I spat and that flipped him he throw his hands in the air out of pure rage Bullshit!!! He growled Call me Jerk all you want that's all you people believe , that I was the one wrong, I was the one bad!! But I tell you this! He point a finger at me Don't come crying to me when you knew who's the real Jerk here! He warned and then he stormed out of my room violently slammed my door shut, okay, I clearly flipped the wrong switch, what a turn of event and now he was angry at me. I blankly stare right where he disappeared, What just happened its like we're just teasing and intimidating and a bit intimate earlier and now its World War III What's between those two? I remember Reed told me to distance myself to Gerard.

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