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Babe look at this, were all over FaceBook , Kat's mostly Emcii said her voice croaked

Why- Wha- pamiis voice also croaked

I opened my eyes , shit! I got splitting headache , so this was hang over , urgh!! I groaned what are you talking about were all over Facebook? I asked my voice hoarse I crawled towards emcii and plopped down on her side so is pamii
Sweet mother of Finn the human I hissed, someone from the party tapped the scene last night and uploaded it on Facebook
Look its over a hundred likes and comments , look at the comments,look at the comments, let's read it pamii said excitedly

*he got served

* is that who I think she is? Omg she's so hot

*haha!! This is hilarious

*I really love ms.Evangeline , ms.orape is so gorgeeeeooouuus who's the girl who kissed King strausse?

*#KatrissFox AmazeBalls

*Guess she's no ms. Nice anymore

*they're like Charlie's angels but we should call them Sheena Cross Angels and FYI I'm Loving Ms.Fox new Look

Omg!! Everybody loves you! Emcii squelled

Of course they will, who wouldn't like such a hot chick with kick ass personality pamii as she slung an arm on my shoulders

Sheena Cross Angels huh! I breath

And just like that I became popular , I don't know, it happens too quick I got barely the time to adjust, I didn't expect this will happen its just like yesterday I'm nobody and the next day I was know but all the schools population , you know, like before when I posted something on Facebook I don't get many likes that tops 10 but now I even tried to post "." Yes guys a Dot and it gets so many likes What the flip?! What happened to people these days... So many things happen after the party , I've been invited to other parties people were like befriending me but nah- I don't trust people now , I don't do others errands and request anymore I don't even receive those now or nobody tries to, and it felt good, I didn't became a Bitch if you think that happened nah- I'm pretty much the same just minus the super niceness I even became friends with Devoughn, remember him? Kings best friend from the basketball team? Yea we sorta called a truce to our non existent war , when he talked to me about what happened to the gymnasium and said he's sorry , the truth is he just didn't want me to see what his best friend was doing too bad I saw it, but I'm OK now, I understand what his point so now were hanging out , 3 months already have passed its already march and summer break is just 5 days away , were now hanging out at pamiis Flatt watching Netflix ,

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