Lets Go Out!

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Its been four days after I was informed about the Batch Reunion, I've been thinking about it since then , what if I don't come? Its OK emcii said, but if I don't it feels like I never really changed I aim to be better and stronger , and Facing problems is one big step of it , but every time I think about seeing Him again after all these years my hear sinks I don't want to see him nor any of his friends , I thought running away after highschool could make me feel better and also made me forget but No, I never did or maybe never will , actually I really don't know what's the real reason behind these feeling, do I really don't want to see him because I despise him , embarrassed because I let him in and fell for him Hard or am I scared because I might realize that I still love him , ohh God I'm so confused, those Distractions didn't even help me all these years and when I say distractions I'm talking about the past failed relationship although what king and I have sorta ring a bell it kicked me hard in the ass maybe it was also karma for using others for my own comfort over failed relationship to the other, I plopped down the bed burying my face on a pillow Groaning, Whyyyyyyyy!! I whined why are my friends out of town when I needed them the most whining and squirming on the bed
Awwwww.... Am I boring Cookie? You know you should feel honored, a lot of Ladies out there would kill just to be you right now the annoying jerk spoke up, and we all knew who it was shut up Chrysler, I groweled, yep I've been spending the last two days with this guy because my friends aren't around, they were out of town with thier family I don't know, but the thing is I'm stuck with Chrysler now , my mom asked? more like ordered me to stick with this guy since he knew nothing in this town and knew no one, and it feels like she's making me baby sit this jerk! What I have learned from sticking with this guy from the past two days? Is he's a freaking BiPolar!!! One moment he was laughing and joking and playfull the next thing he's an annoying jerk, but the good thing is like I said the last time we have something in common , yep! That's why I can stand him without me wanting to rip his throat out or decapitate him every minute , we've been playing call of duty but mostly need for speed cause the guy is a sucker for Fast Cars , sad to say I can't beat him in this game its a shame but hey! I've been whipping his ass at call of duty haha! Got me a little pat in the back there, thank you.
FYI the only ladies I know that would kill to catch your cooties were those dirty female dogs,Don't flatter yourself too much bad boy I smirked face still buried on the pillow so he can't see nah- I knew you just wanna keep me only for yourself cookie no need to be harsh, I won't mind I can feel his grinning from that teasy tone of his, I drag myself to sit on the bed lazily
Seriously Chrys? Is that the best you can say? Such a shame I said nonchalantly giving away Nothing on my facial expression , too bad it only made him grinn widely , Nope! He placed down the joystick and turned to crawl up in the bed slowly his gaze lock in mine seductively , you really don't want me? His voice low and smooth No thanks I said as I keep disinterest in my voice and a blank expression , his knees were now up in the bed you really don't? Keeping up with his phase yup! I answered nonchalantly but the truth is my heart was pounding it's a bit dim in the room only a little light coming from the glass window shielded with dark colored curtain was keeping the light to come in , my face is heating up why the hell its HOT in this room I know the air-conditioning was on you know, you wouldn't be here in this room , alone- with me, if you don't want us go Solo , his voice low ,slow and attractive , my mouth was feeling dry why the hell is this guys has this effect on me? Is it the Greek god looks? I mentally slapped myself to that OF COURSE Ms.Obvious, , he was close so close for my liking , I was half laying half sitting in my position and he has crawled up hovering above me , our faces are an inch away , I can't keep my eyes away from those cobalt blue orbs of his I can hear my breath oh no , my brain was screaming Raaaaaaapppppeeeee!!!! But my body isn't moving I'm stiff , cursing in my mind i cant keep up my play shit..that's when he started laughing , laughing so hard he was rolling on the bed clutching his stomach I hope he catch Gas after that, y- you hahaha!!!! Sh-should have seen your f- face Cookie! Bwahahaha!!! He said laughing hard as ever , this prick!!! My face was heating up from embarrassment and rage he rolled on the bottom part of the bed , grabbing the pillow on my side I throw it hard on him same time he sat up recovering from his LOL moment when the pillow Smacked Square on his Face he fall off the bed , Boooyah!! that's my turn to Laugh, like a kid jumping and clapping , serves him right!

No More Ms.NiceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz