Theyre not mirror image

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           Chrysler was dragging me up on the stairs , his grip was so tight on my wrist it hurts, I keep on shaking it off his grasp but his hold was becoming more and more tight everytime i try, I don't know why he acts this way but this was angering me , he can't just jump in and dragg me away he disrespected my Friend! We were walking, I mean he's still dragging me and we're now at the hallway towards our rooms ,hes not saying anything but still his grip was like ironclamp, with anger sipping through me I gave all my strength to tugg my wrist away from him , for the second tugg his hold slips I'm freed, we came into a halt , he turned around anger was evident in his face but I didn't care, I was the one who should be really angry , What the hell is your problem?! What's wrong with you?!! I half shouted even though i want to shout from the top of my lungs, I can't do that I don't want to cause any commotion in the house, rubbing my red wrist I glare at him, his brows was connect because of how hard his frowning his nostrils flair and his hands were balled into tight fist why is he so angry about anyway!!

            You! He started What the Fuck is wrong with you! You were just crying the other night because of your fucking Ex Boyfriend, you said you were hurt! He was shouting really really shouting even with this arms length distance I can smell alcohol in his breath , he didn't care whom he will bother but I didn't care, I'm more bothered on where all this was going and he was drunk why? oh- and now your like you go on that reunion and wear a skimpy bikini so that boys could rake their dirty eyes over your body for what KATS?!! For your ex to take you back did you try to flirt with him? Did he rejected you again? that's why you find a guy to drive you home and flirt with him in your front porch!!!  I was taken aback by his rant and I was hurt is this what he think of me? Thought you were different, but you just a BITCH! just like the rest. He spat his eyes are like daggers so sharp its tearing me apart , how can he say such things to me, HE DOESN'T KNOW ME! Before I could think of anything else I slapped him across his face the sound echoes to the hallway, I was shaking, shaking because of anger and hurt, his head jerked to the side because of the impact of my slap, he wasn't moving You Don't have any right to say those to me, you just knew my story but you don't know me. I said in a strained voice full of ice and then I leave him there standing alone.

No More Ms.NiceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon