Chapter 19"The End Of Space"

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This was nearly the end for the rangers, but they didn't know that they just sat in the megaship, thinking when the whole thing was going to end, the rangers were trying to locate Ecliptor they wanted to end this once and for all it was time for them to go back to their normal lives but not for Zhane,Andros,and Lyra they were heading to Terra Venture afterwards it would be their last battle as space rangers"okay looks like we have found him"Lyra pointed out the signal and the rangers nodded and the megaship began following the black fortress the rangers looked at each other and sighed"this will be our last battle together"Karone sighs and she has tears coming down from her cheek"I ain't ready to give up my power ranger dreams yet"Lyra looks at her and sighs"Well we can bring you to Terra Venture with us"Karone looks up at her and smiles"really?"Lyra nods, and Karone hugs her, and she hugs back after a while the ship begins to shake because they were getting ambushed by the black fortress, and the rangers decided to lure Ecliptor in and they quickly morphed and Ecliptor and all of his qauntrons were right by his side"So this is it rangers"The rangers stood there and they nodded in satisfaction"we will be the ones to win this fight Ecliptor"he laughs and walks forward"I don't know about that rangers"they all summoned their weapons one last time and they eventually began fighting the group of quantrons and Ecliptor after a while Lyra and the rest of the rangers they began making a pyramid and they all jumped one by one and kicked and blasted him and falls to the ground weak and he eventually gets up and holds his chest"So this is the end"Andros aims the blaster with their combined weapons at him and the rangers were behind him nodded in victory and he just chose his fate and he lets it happen Andros puts his hand on the trigger and pulls it and Ecliptor falls and he dies the rangers all jumped in victory and in joy and after a while they demorphed and the rangers faced each other and Lyra,Karone,Andros,Zhane looks at them and they began crying"it was nice working with you guys we will never forget you guys"Andros said while wiping his tears off his face they all hugged and said their goodbyes and the four rangers began walking away"Hey!"They all turned around, and Kennedy smiled."If you need any help, just call us, and we will be there!"They all smiled and nodded, and they got on the megaship and they flew away in the sky and the other rangers looked at each other and smile"we can still be rangers on Earth but not in space"Lucas said while laughing and they looked at the megaship disappearing in the orange reddish sky and they looked at each other and they began walking away into Angel Grove to continue to legacy of the Space Rangers but no monster would be made until Terra Venture is discovered by the four rangers from the previous team space Karone,Lyra,Andros,and Zhane set a course for Terra Venture and they waited to start their new adventure as rangers together..

(The end)

That is the end of Constellation Crossed Lovers. I hope you enjoyed it. I am making a sequel to the lost galaxy rangers, though, and the 4 space rangers will be in it be too(they will become lost galaxy rangers)

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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