Chapter 14"Bejeweled"

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After a few days passed, the rangers were waiting for an adventure, but they were stuck in Angel Grove for the longest time, and they decided to go on a vacation to New York"Okay everyone ready?"Blake said while carrying his bags into the car and getting in immediately afterward. "Yeah, we are ready."After they all got into the car, they began starting their journey to the airport."Okay, this should be fun,"Karone said while sighing. She had never been to New York before, let alone most of America Lyra and Andros were sitting by each other, and so was Karone and
Zhane, the others were scattered around. "we better get some good food while we are there, or I might just lose it."Everyone laughed at Lucas. After about 20 minutes, they got to the Angel Grove Airport they ran to the boarding docks for the plane, and they made it just in time they quickly got on the plane and sat down"We finally made it"Everyone nodded and they all began to relax a little bit suddenly Karone could feel someone kicking her seat she looks behind her and noticed a little boy kicking her seat she looks at the mother and fake smiled"Could you please make your son stop kicking me?"Her eyes turned a neon purple from anger, and the mother got scared and nodded she forcefully nudges the boy's legs down, and Karone turns back around."You could have gotten kicked off the plane!"Lyra said while nudging her."It was either that or telekinesis, so I chose the easy way,"Karone giggled, and after about 13 hours, they landed in New York. Everyone ran out of the plane, and they got to the limo and got in. "Tonight we should go out,"Andros said while smiling. Everyone nodded, and they got to the hotel and got to their rooms and quickly got ready for dinner. Each of them were dressed formally, and they went to a fancy Italian restaurant, and they sat down they ordered and they ate but suddenly screaming could be heard from outside"Can't we all have a vacation from being power rangers!"They all ran out and saw a diamond like monster raiding the streets. "Hey!"We all called out to her, and she turns around"ooo more weak things for my jewelry collection. "The rangers quickly morphed, and they began fighting the diamond monster. Karone got her Nebula Rifle out, and she began shooting many bullets out of her rifle, but it cracked the sides of her, but it didn't shatter her suddenly the diamond monster grabbed Karone and Zhane shoots her hand and she lets go of her"its time to end this!"They combined each of their weapons to make a major weapon they aimed it at the monster and shot it at the monster."No more jewelry shopping for you,"Lucas said while turning around to face everyone Ecliptor shot the lasers down and the monster grows bigger and the rangers gets into the zord and they began fighting her again"Spiral Saber"They ran towards her and slashed her many times"no more shopping we said!"They laughed, After a while, they demorphed and went back to the hotel and slept they were exhausted, and there was a lot more monsters that will find the rangers and try to destroy them every chance they will get

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