Chapter 8" Telekinetic Problem"

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After a few days had passed, Lyra started noticing a sudden change in her telekinesis powers it seemed like they were malfunctioning she sighed and walked to the control room and Zhane looks at her confused"Are you okay?"He places his hand on her shoulder with comfort."I don't know, my telekinesis powers are malfunctioning. I might end up hurting someone if I am not careful. "Zhane smiled and pats her back."Hey, it will be okay. Just don't use your telekinesis, and everything will be okay. "Lyra smiled at him, and after a while, the alarm went off."D.E.C.A. view the frontal screen. "The screen then reveals a spider like monster that was completely destroying the city"Okay guys we got a job to do, "everyone teleported to the scene and lots of people were running and screaming but the spider monster kept snatching people and making them into little bundles of webs that made them trapped and they were pounding on the sticky webs trying to get out but nothing worked"Hey Spiderella"She turns around and she sees the demorphed rangers and smiles"Oh rangers how nice of you to show up"She began spitting webs at them but they kept dodging them and the rangers eventually just morphed and began fighting the qauntrons off that way and after a while the Rangers were fighting Spiderella and knocks them all down and Lyra uses her telekinesis to move a  piece of rubble to throw at her and she ended up teleporting somewhere else it hits Andros he falls to the ground Lyra saw as Spiderella spits the webs at her fellow rangers and now they were  trapped in the webs and they were struggling to get out"Don't worry guys I will get you out of there I promise"after a while Lyra follows Spiderella and they eventually began fighting each other"You will pay for what you did to my friends"Spiderella smiles and super punched Lyra backwards and she falls on her stomach"Thats it I'm going to have to use it Moon Mace!"Her Mace appears, and she began swinging it at her, and she made some major hits at her, and she started sparking, and she kneeled to the ground, and she held her chest in pain"Solar Wind Blast"She grabs her blaster and she shoots her many times and Spiderella falls to the ground and explodes the rangers and the rest of the civilians busted out of the spiderweb and the rangers were covered in it"ugh this is gross"They all said in sync"Fire the lasers"The dark fortress blasts the lasers and Spiderella comes back together and triples in quadruple her original size"okay rangers let's get this zord assembled and made"They all nodded and they summoned the megaship and they teleported inside of it and eventually the zord was made and then they began fighting her she was throwing some good hits on them but at the end they used the zord's saber and slashed her in half and she explodes again the rangers cheered once again and after a while they got out of the zord and they helped the civilians out of the spiderwebs and they smiled greatly"The rangers have saved us once again!"They all cheered and screamed in joy,and the rangers thanked everyone, and eventually they waved goodbye, and they teleported back to the megaship which was already back together and set ready to go Astronema had steam coming out of her ears from anger"This plan didn't work either!Ecliptor make an even stronger monster for next time and next time the rangers will be destroyed"Ecliptor nodded and he walked away and Astronema evilly laughed from her evil scheme back at the megaship Lyra was trying to fix her telekinesis problem she got frustrated and pounded her legs in anger Andros walked in and sighed"You need help?"Lyra turned around and smiled at him"Yes please!"Andros came behind her and held her arm out"Okay now focus. "Lyra closed her eyes, and stuff began to move, and levitate Lyra and Andros smiled."You fixed it for me Andros thank you,"Andros turned her around and looked into her eyes with passion. He leaned in and kissed her. Lyra kissed him back, and the amount of passion between them both was infinite, and they didn't claim each other yet, which was kind of odd. "Lyra?"Andros pulls away and holds her hands."I have this feeling for you it's unimaginable and extraordinary to explain. I want you to be mine. "Lyra looks at him and pecks his lips"well you got me now. I am now yours."They both kissed again, and they laughed at their happiness, and they pulled away and walked out of the simulation room hand in hand this is just the beginning of their journey..

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