Chapter 9"Mighty Space"

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The rangers were practicing in the simulation room, and all of a sudden, the lights flickered, and the rangers looked at each other. "What just happened?"Kennedy said while shrugging her shoulders, and the others just shook their heads."We don't know."They walked into the control room and noticed that the engine was acting up,"Andros see what is going on. "He nodded, and he went over to the engine, He looked at the wires in the machine, and he noticed that some of the wires were cut."Looks like the wires were snipped."Everyone began freaking out. Kennedy and Naomi began pacing around in nervousness. The ship lowered to the ground it carefully landed in an abandoned warehouse, and  they all walked off with anxiety rushing through their veins little did they know that they were being watched"Looks like our targets Rocky"Adam said while looking at him then at the rangers"They don't know what they are up against"Rocky runs his hands through his hair and they just spied on the rangers at they walked out of the warehouse"This is insane I can't believe our ship did that!"Lyra said while covering her face in her hands she was trying to hold her tears back,Zhane went over to her and hugs her tightly"its okay we will get the ship back up and running don't you worry"She smiles and Andros turned and growled in jealously he hated when Zhane got close to Lyra like that after some time passed by some quantrons ran up to them and began fighting them they eventually started fighting them too after some time they were pushing the rangers around and they decided to morph"Let's Rocket!"They quickly began fighting the qauntrons they used their weapons to defeat them and after a while a monster popped up"Eww its a beetle monster, "Blake said while gagging and the monster laughed"Im beetleborg your worst nightmare!"it's long horns on its head was wiggling around, and eventually, the monster failed at catching us, and someone out of the distance began shooting him they suddenly see two familiar faces they all smiled"Rocky! Adam! All right!"They both laughed and began fighting the beetleborg"Didnt expect to go old school, did you beetleborg?"Beetleborg got mad and used his poisonous spit to them but they dodged it, and they began hitting and kicking the heck out of beetleborg he fell to his knees and he groaned in pain"This isn't over rangers!"He teleported away, and Adam and Rocky helped the rangers up off the ground."Are you guys okay?"They all demorphed, and Lyra stared at them for a moment, then she snapped out of it"Yeah we are okay. "Adam and Rocky looked at them and sighed."Sorry to stay this, but we may need to collaborate on this mission,"Rocky said while he crossed his arms over his muscular chest."Why what is happening?"Lucas looked at them in confusion. The wind from the outside was blowing so hard that the trees were hanging on for their dear life. Lyras hair was blowing behind her she felt eyes on her she looked and noticed no one was looking at her anymore."Okay, so beetleborg may have snipped your wires in your engine he may have shrunk himself and snipped it."They all gasped and then nodded afterward."Okay, well, we need to find Beetleborg."Zhane looked at them with a questionable look on his face."It won't be that easy. We need to lure him in,"Adam said while putting his hands on his hips and looking at Rocky without saying anything."How are we going to lure that beetle in?"They all shrugged their shoulders, and suddenly Lyra stepped forward, and she smiled."I may have an idea. "After they discussed it, they began to set up the traps, and Blake was live bait since he hated bugs."Okay, Blake, you got this,"Kennedy said while laughing he eventually went into the quarry and began looking around. "Oh, Beetleborg, I have something for you."All of a sudden, Beetleborg teleported to his location, and he evilly laughed."A ranger giving me a gift, how sweet."He walked towards Blake, and he looked at the other rangers nodded."Now!"They began shooting at Beetleborg, and Lyra and Adam came out and began fighting him unmorphed it didn't go well for them"okay we need to suit up"he nodded and they got their morphers and they began to morph"Let's Rocket!,Mastodon!"Soon enough, the other rangers appeared, and they began fighting Beetleborg after a few hits and kicks he was down on the ground"okay let's combine our weapons, you guys"they did that and they shot the powerful shot at beetleborg and he exploded after a sweet victory they all demorphed and looked at each other"Thank you guys we are great full you guys helped"Lucas said while holding his hand for one of them to shake and Rocky shook his hand in generosity and they both smile"Looks like our time is done well we should get going"they all said their goodbyes and they began walking away in the sun that was setting over the horizon"hey Adam! Rocky!"They looked back and smiled."If we ever need help, we will give you a call, and thanks again,"Lyra said while smiling and they saluted at them and Rocky and Adam walked away and it didn't take long for them to disappear into the distance the rangers went back on the ship and they checked the engine and the wires were back together again"Okay guys its time for a new adventure to begin"they all nodded and Lyra began to lift the ship off the ground and it flew into the setting sun and up into outer space on its next adventure to save humanity...

Constellation Crossed Lovers(Space Rangers)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum