Chapter 1"Out Of Nowhere"

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As the turbo rangers were flying into deep space, Andros looked out the window and noticed a ship that was heading towards them it lures their ship in, and as soon as the doors closed, the former rangers got off their ship and onto the other ship. As soon as they got done luring through the hallways of the place they heard someone singing so they headed to where it was and found a girl peacefully thinking and singing a lullaby that her mother used to sing to her as a child.

Lyra turned around and saw the group of people, and she got frightened and she ran out of the room the others followed her"Wait, we didn't come to hurt you!"Andros was at the head of the crowd, and he saw her running for her life."D.E.C.A go into full lockdown!"Suddenly, the doors began to close, and she just ran to the control room, and Andros managed to slide under the door before it closed all the way, and he hid behind one of the columns of the ship Lyra was shocked up from the scene that she just stood there not knowing what to do. All of a sudden Andros let out a loud sneeze and he held his nose tightly after that"Damn it" He said while getting aggravated Lyra turns around and morphed

After that, she looks behind her, and she sees Andros hiding. "Who are you?"Lyra walks towards him, and she had flashbacks

--Flashback 9 years ago--
Lyra, Karone, Zhane, and Andros were playing around by the lunar pool, and Lyra splashed them and laughed. "Ha got you guys!"Andros and Zhane splashed back while laughing. Karone just sat there, not interested in anything that they were doing."Karone, come on!"Lyra went over to her and dragged her to the others and began splashing each other."Hey!"Karone said while screaming from the pain in her eyes that had a lot of water coming out of them, Lyra looked at Karone and she just stared at her "Karone I am so sorry"Karone looked at her and sobbed"Go away you did this to me!" and got upset she ran off, and she was lost in the mystical woods of KO-35 suddenly sticks were cracking all around her"Who is there..?"She said while looking all around her, after a few minutes had passed something jumped out in front of her and grabbed her"Ahhh! Help me!!!"She began to kick and scream at the monster, but they didn't let go of her they began taking her to their ship, and the other kids ran towards them, and Karone and Andros went to find Lyra and they saw her and began running to Lyra and trying to save her but they both got shot by the laser guns of the soldiers that were taking Lyra away"Help Andros!"Andros looks at her while crying, and he runs to the ship, but the door closes, and it leaves KO-35, Lyra begins to cry harder, and the leader of the ship looked at her in envious and slapped her"Shut up you little brat or you are going to get it!"Lyra just shuts her mouth and sits on the floor silently sobbing, hoping that help would seek her.....
--Fast Forward 6 years later--
Lyra wakes up from the cell. The cold air from outside was flooding in making her shiver she gets up and notices the shackles on her wrists she gets the pin out of her hair, and she unlocks the shackles and she unlocks the door, and began to run for an escape route she roams the empty and dark hallways and noticed that the ship landed on a planet that looked rather familiar she looked around for a window of some sort and she found a window near the exit and she climbed out of it and quietly ran across the planet's terrain she looked around the domain and noticed something"This looks like KO-35 maybe my friends will be here"She ran to the village nearby and saw that many homes were destroyed and mainly abandoned"What happened here?"She walks through the village and the destroyed homes and she sees something glowing near where she was taken many years ago. She goes to the lunar pool and sees a machine-like wristband beeping, and suddenly a voice starts talking into it. "If anyone can hear me from KO-35, it's Andros. I'm on Earth, and I don't know how I got here. Someone, please find me. I want to be home, "Andros's voice was glitching out. Lyra quickly picked up the machine and tried to talk into it"Andros?..Andros!! I hear you it's me, Lyra. I'm back on KO-35, and none of you are here."Lyra began to shed tears from her eyes, and she covered her face with her hands, and after a few minutes had passed, the machine went out, and the wind of the cold terrain was swirling through her hair making it dance and she opens the morpher and it had numbers in it as a phone would and she began pressing numbers"244"It didn't do anything"680" still nothing and she finally got the code it was her badge number from camp a few years ago"335" suddenly she began to change and she was in a purple suit and she looks at herself in confusion"What just happened?"After a while, a rush of power ran through her bloodstream and her nerves, and she felt the Ranger power within her she bends her fingers they were tingling from the feeling after a while she saw another ship over the horizon and she ran to it said the Astro Megaship on the front of the ship she quickly got on it and began exploring it she eventually found the control room"What is this place?"She said with a confused tone of voice. "This is the Astro Megaship I'm D.E.C.A. the ship's intergalactic computer we should get off KO-35 it is mainly deserted. "Lyra sighed and grabbed the levers to get the ship off the ground, and she looked up at the moon shade above her head and then back at the front"D.E.C.A set a course for Earth" She sets the course and we started leaving she looks back and sighs"Goodbye KO-35..."She looked back at the front and began sailing into the dark abyss of space...
--Present Time--
Lyra just stood there looking at Andros, and she started crying under her helmet. "Andros?"She walks towards him, and he is confused."How do you know me?"Lyra backed up and sighed."Power down. "Her suit faded, and she was back to normal, and he was shocked, "Lyra..."He went over to her and hugged her soonly he cried into her shoulder"I have finally found you.."Lyra and Andros were finally reunited, she looked at the computer and sighed."D.E.C.A lift up the lockdown procedures The doors opened, and the lasers shut off soon enough the others came in and after a while, they looked at each other in silence, and then she saw another person from her home planet that shocked her to her bones...

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