Chapter 6"Evil Red"

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Lyra walked over to Naomi and Lucas, and she started shaking"Guys have you seen Andros?"They both shook their heads no, and Lyra began sweating and pacing around the room."Are you okay?"Lucas said while watching her pace back and forth around the room"No he hasn't come back yet, and I am starting to get worried. "After a few seconds passed, the alarm went off, and I looked at the frontal viewing screen, and I saw Andros in his morphing gear, and he was destroying everything. "Guys, we need to morph and get down there."Lyra and the others looked at each other and nodded."Let's Rocket"as soon as they all morphed and suited up, they all teleported to the park and noticed that Andros was walking around laughing evilly"Soon this whole entire planet will be mine"Lyra squinted and she made her Moon Mace appear and she hit him on his back and he fell over"Oww why you will pay for that!"He looked at Lyra and got up."You will be destroyed purple ranger. Astronema said to destroy you first!"He looked at her and laughed."Spiral Saber!"It appeared in his hands, and he began running to Lyra,and she dodged his sprint"Andros this isn't like you!"He didn't listen and started slashing Lyra, and she fell to the ground."Lyra!"Kennedy ran to her and kneeled to her."Are you okay?"She nodded, and Kennedy helped her up and looked at Andros angrily."You will pay for that!"Lucas and Blake began fighting him."Lunar Lance!,Astro Axe!"Andros was getting too powerful for them, so the girls stepped in,"Star Slinger!,Satellite Stunner!" After a while of fighting, they got him down on the ground, and he grasped his chest he used his spiral saber as support to help him get up."This isn't over rangers!"He teleports back to the evil Fortress, and the rangers looked at each other and sighed."He got away. I can't believe this is happening to us. We lost our leader!"Lyra began crying under the helmet, and they teleported back to the megaship in doubt."Will we ever get him back?"Lyra said while looking at the others, and they shrugged their shoulders That I don't know Lyra, but I am sure we will."Naomi comforted her by putting her arms around her, and Lyra began crying her eyes out."I can't believe he got caught by Astronema!"She coughed up spit from her crying so harshly"Its okay, Lyra, we will get him back, I promise. "  The others nodded after she said that, and they stood by Lyra's side, and they held her in their arms she eventually stopped crying after a while they let go of each other and they each went to their dorm rooms since it was getting late and as usual Lyra had the same old nightmare but this time this dream had something different about it it was about Andros not being able to turn good again and he kills her in the dream and the rangers all kneeled to their knees in sadness Lyra woke up and she was crying harder than ever suddenly she got a signal from a quarry outside of Angel Grove and she teleported there and noticed Andros was walking around the quarry unmorphed Lyra hid behind a pile of rock and she began hearing his words"Soon I will destroy the rangers including the purple ranger but I can't something is telling me not to"He holds his head in anger and he yells in agony"Make this feeling go away!"Lyra slowly walks behind him and grabs him."Andros, it's time for you to come back with us."He was struggling to get out of her grip, and he elbowed her in the stomach and she groaned from the pain"Oh Lyra it's nice too see you too bad you'll die in a few minutes!"He morphs, and so does she they both began fighting and after a while Andros got on top of her and she knocks his helmet off of his head and he got so mad that he took hers off too he punched her face a few times her nose was bleeding and her lip was busted after a few more hits Lyra grabs Andros's face and kisses him after a while the spell from Astronema's dust was fading away and he kissed her back after a while they broke away and they stood up and hugged each other Lyra was crying in his arms"Im so glad to have  broke the spell we thought we would never get you back"Andros holds her face in his hands and cries"I physically hurt you I shouldn't be trusted I am too dangerous"His tears stained his face and Lyra wipes them off his cheeks and pecks his lips"Its okay you weren't controlling your own actions Astronema was controlling you"Lyra hugged him once more and they grabbed their helmets and teleported back to the megaship everyone was awake and when they saw Lyra and Andros back they all went and hugged each other"Oh my god aren't we glad to have you back Andros"Kennedy said while smiling Lucas ans Blake did the handshake with him and Naomi laughed with Lyra"Im glad to have him back"Naomi looked at her and smiled"Me too" Astronema looked at Ecliptor and she pounds the table"I can't believe they broke my spell over the red ranger!"She growls and looks at the window where the earth was in her sight."I don't need a ranger to help me defeat the earthlings. I will have to do it myself!"She walks out of the room, and her heels could be heard from a few yards away, and Ecliptor follows her, and another victory was given to the rangers at last...

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