Chapter 7"Silver Strikes Back"

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At the facility where all the bodies were, all of them were frozen alive, and half of them died from the cold, and the hypothermia that washed over their bodies all of a sudden one of the compartments flew open and someone climbed out of it and they looked around the room shocked and confused"Where am i?"He just walked around the facility, and he looked for an escape route he eventually saw a window, and it was big enough for him to fit through he fell to the ground and he began running enough from the facility and he looked up at the sky"Andros I wonder if you are still up there?"Back at the megaship, Lyra was sitting behind the control panel, and she suddenly got a signal from earth"Guys come check this out!"Everyone bolted into the room."Look what I found."They all looked at the signal readings, and they found a heavy reading in Angel Grove, but it was an unusual one it wasn't really human like"Its unusual it has a very powerful reading it is coming from the main square I'll go and investigate"Lyra got up from her spot and Andros grabs her hand and smiles"I'm coming with you"They both nodded at each other they grabbed their morphers and morphed"Let's Rocket"They teleported to the square and they looked around"I don't see anything"Andros said while looking around"Just keep looking my scanner said it is still in this area"Lyra walked right of their location and all of a sudden a figure could be seen in the distance"Hey who are you?"The figure turned around, and it came out of the darkness, and it came into the light of the street lights she was shocked at what she saw."A silver ranger?"The silver ranger suddenly fell to his knees, and his morphing time was up for him for the time being he looked up, and Lyra  began crying.  "Zhane!"Lyra ran to him and helped him up."Lyra?"He smiled, and his weak body was being held by Lyra."Come on, let's get you back to the ship,"Lyra contacted Andros through the morpher and smiled. "Meet me at the ship. I have the person of the signal reading, "He nodded from his location, and they both teleported back to the megaship, and Lyra demorphed everyone was in the room and they looked at them"Umm Lyra who is this?"Andros walked in, and when he saw Zhane, he froze, and tears fell from his eyes. Zhane's heart broke when he saw his best friend like that Andros went to him and hugged him tightly. "Where did you go?"Zhane sighed and backed away from Andros."I was frozen alive for two years. I just now woke up and realized where I was. Lyra found me, and now I have found the both of you. "They all were shocked, and Lucas and Blake looked at Zhane in a funny way."Who is this guy?"Blake groaned, and he stepped forward towards him"Okay guys this is Zhane he is our friend from KO-35 he is completely harmless. "Blake stopped in his tracks, and he walked back to where he was."I'm just glad that we found Zhane,"Andros said while looking at him. After a while of meeting and greeting, they eventually warmed up to him, and the alarms went off again. "Oh gosh, what is happening now?"They loaded up the loading screen, and a bunch of quantrons and Ecliptor were in the square."Come on out, Rangers.we are just going to have a little talk." The rangers all looked at each other and sighed "Well Zhane we gotta go, but it was nice meeting you, "Blake said while getting in a group formation with the others"Let's Rocket!"They morphed and teleported to the square. Zhane looked at his timer for his morphing time, and he had just enough time to help them he quickly morphed and went after them Lyra, and Lucas used their weapons against Ecliptor but he made them fly backwards from his dangerous push and they fell to the ground Naomi and Andros trying to spin kick him but he grabs her foot and throws her with the others"It is time to say goodbye rangers"he came closer to them and suddenly something shot at him making him fall to his knees they all looked behind them and they were shocked Zhane was standing there"wow the silver ranger.."Kennedy said quietly to herself. Zhane looked at Ecliptor, and he groaned. "You!"Zhane laughed and stepped forward"didnt expect to see me again, did you?"He chuckled a little, and he began fighting. Ecliptor threw some hits on him, but Zhane was too strong for him, and he fell back, and his feet glided across the concrete to help him stay on his feet he held his chest in pain and looked at the rangers"This isn't over rangers"he disappears and Zhanes ranger time was up and he powered down and fell to his knees"Zhane!"Lyra ran over to him and helped him up."Are you okay?"Zhane nodded and limped over to the other rangers."So you're  the silver ranger?"Lucas said while smiling. Zhane nodded and laughed. "Yes,yes I am."After a while, they went back to the megaship, and they made Zhane stay in a guest dorm room so he can heal"Zhane you can't be morphing a lot because your time will run out and  it can possibly damage your respiratory system"Zhane got mad and groaned"But i want to help!"Andros looked at him, and his face grew red."I'm sorry, Zhane, but you need to stay here and rest. I don't want to risk you getting hurt!"Andros walked out the door, leaving Zhane alone in his thoughts...

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