Chapter 3"Back To Earth"

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After they landed back on Earth, Andros grabbed Lyra's hand in comfort

Andros looked at her and noticed that she was shaking"Hey it's okay, I'll be with you every step of the way."Lyra smiled at him and began to realize something."Andros?"He hums in response. Lyra sighed and looked at him. "Where did you go after I was taken that day?"He looked at her, shocked that she would even ask those questions."Well, are you sure? Are you ready for the story?"
Lyra nods, and Andros begins to speak again"well here goes nothing."

After a year of Lyra being kidnapped 11 years old, Andros was confused about what to do, but there was one thing that he was curious about it was that he wondered what was beyond the koravan system he wanted to explore it after awhile Andros had built a ship for him to explore with and he eventually ran into Earth a few weeks later and met the turbo rangers and he became the red turbo ranger but after the defeat of the rangers they had to go back into space for a safer retreat but then they ran into Lyra's ship and they found her he was grateful that they did he was starting to lose hope for finding her.
-Present Time-
After a while of talking, Kennedy took Lyra's hand, and she took her to a clothing shop and got her some new clothes to wear Kennedy looked at Lyra who was nervous to be on a planet she had no information about"go ahead and change we are going to go to our hangout spot here in Angel Grove"After a while Lyra came out from the changing room and Kennedy was stunned

Lyra just stood there nervous. "What did I do something wrong?"Kennedy laughed and smiled"no nothing at all it's just that you look awesome. "Lyra smiled, but just after a few seconds, the sound of screaming could be heard they looked at each other, and they ran to the scene a wasp type monster looked at us and laughed"you guys want some too?"Me and Kennedy looked at each other and nodded."Let's Rocket"They were morphed, and they got into their stance. "Swift as moondust Purple Space Ranger,"Lyra said while looking at Kennedy. "Yellow space ranger."They ran to the monster, and they started fighting. Kennedy backflips off the garbage bins and kicks the monster in the head. "Star Slinger"The weapon appears in her hands, and she begins blasting the heck out of the monster"Moon Mace"Lyra tried fighting the monster but it damaged her so bad that she felt to the ground and she powered down while falling down.Kennedy ran to Lyra shaking her"Lyra..Lyra wake up!"The monster laughs and leaves "So long power pesks."Kennedy talks into her wristband, and she called for the other rangers."Lyra has been hit, and she isn't responding."After about a few minutes, the other rangers arrived on their space boards. Kennedy went over to them, and Andros took his helmet off and sighed. "Where is she? Kennedy pointed to Lyra laying on the burning hot asphalt, and Andros runs to her and carries her to a cool surface she was growing blisters from the heat from the asphalt Andros shook her but nothing worked the monster came back and it started laughing"Aww the rangers are goners without their purple ranger"This made Andros angry and he went over and started fighting the monster Kennedy,Naomi,Blake,and Lucas joined him"Satellite Stunner"Naomi pointed her weapon at the monster and she shot out Satellite rays at the monster making him fly backwards Kennedy flips onto Lucas's shoulders and she flips and kicks the monster in the face"Oww watch the face!"The team stood in a line, and they combined their weapons, and they shot him, and he fell and exploded. Astronema got really angry at this and looked at her goons. "Fire the lasers!"They did as they were told, and the lasers were shot, and the monster enlarged by quadruple amounts."Okay, guys, let's get this megazord assembled."They teleported into the megaship, and the zord was being assembled, and the monster was getting impatient."Come on, fight me already!"After the zord was assembled, they looked at each other in silence."Ready?"They all nodded, and they began fighting the monster they ended up using the Saber sword in order to defeat this guy."This was too easy"Andros said while laughing after the battle was over the rangers powered down, and they ran to Lyra,her eyes began to flutter open, and she slowly looked at the others"W-What happened?"She said while trying to get up, but the others insisted that she stayed down and Andros rubbed her shoulder in worry."You really worried me back there."He wiped his tears away from his face and smiled. Lyra placed her hand on his face and sighed. "Im okay Andros don't worry."Naomi looked at her and shook her head."You could have been killed back there. We could have lost you. "Lyra sighed and hugged the group with affection."Im sorry I didn't know he would be that powerful."They all hugged her back and sighed"Its fine. At least we came in time to save you, and Kennedy, "Blake said while smiling at the two girls that were looking at each other in disappointment. "We're sorry,"they said in sync with each other, and the others just laughed"Its okay, you two just really scared us,"Lucas said while sighing.After a while the group went over to the hang out space and they got a table and Lyra sat by Andros and Kennedy"I missed going here"Lucas said while smiling at the others"yeah me too"Naomi said while giggling and Adele the manager of the Hotspot came to us with food Lyra's eyes sagged and her mouth watered she was hungry she grabbed some things off plates and began eating it Andros grabbed her free hand under the table and held it Lyra was shocked and she looked at him nervously he just chuckled and Lyra continued eating she only lets Andros show like real affection but after a while Lyra felt her chest hurting and she fell to the ground knocked out everything went dark and silent after that...

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