Chapter 13"Shades Of Green"

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Karone woke up, and she was covered in sweat she began shaking and looked at Lyra, who was sound asleep next to her. happens to you. "I hope nothing bad happens to you."She pats Lyra's head, and she gets up and heads outside for some fresh air, but after a while, she gets ambushed by a group of quantrons."I have always hated these things."She began fighting them, but after a while, Ecliptor appears"well if it isn't Karone or should I say Astronema, "Karone began struggling, and she kicked the quantrons off her and and she grabbed her morpher and does the  sequence"Let's Rocket!"She begans calling her weapon as well,"Nebula Rifle!"Ecliptor looks at her and laughs."I guess good has gotten the best of you."He begins hitting her, and she falls to the ground but quickly gets right back up and shoots a Nebula bullet from her Nebula Rifle, and Ecliptor falls, and he growls"Ill be back Karone!"He disappears, and she balls her hands up into fists, and she pounds the ground."I can't believe he got away he won't next time!"Karone demorphed. She goes back inside, and she finds the rangers still sleeping"Man they can sleep through a lot of chaos."She eventually goes back to her dorm and goes back to sleep again the next morning rolled around, and Karone told the rangers what happened last night, and Lyra pats her back"Don't worry we will defeat him this journey of ours isn't over yet"Karone smiles and she looks at Lyra"Thank you I'm glad to have you guys with me along this journey"The rangers got a little laugh out of it and the alarm went off again"Not again I can feel like that is Ecliptor"The rangers nodded and they went outside they were wrong it was another monster"I remember this monster being made this is LockPicker"The lock shaped monster jumps around in a happy manner"I will lock you guys up it's time for some jail time"The rangers laughed and Karone looks at the monster"Oh don't flatter me"LockPicker looks at them and laughed"well if it isn't Astronema or should I say Karone?"The rangers looked at her in confusion."Astronema?"Lyra looks at her questionably, and Karone drops her head, and she sighed."I am Astronema, but not anymore evil is not in my system anymore!"LockPicker smiled and went up to her and laughed"Oh you're still Astronema. "Karone backs away, and she grabs her morpher and morphs."Let's Rocket!"She summons her Nebula Rifle and smiles from under helmet"Yes I may have been Astronema, but I am Karone, the green space ranger, and I am never going back to that life"She begins shooting the Nebula bolts out of her rifle and she kicks the monster in the face and he falls backwards the other rangers morphed and went into the fight to help Karone out Lyra and Karone stood by each other"Moon Mace!"They turned to each other, and they attached their weapons together,"Nebula Mace Shooter activated!"The monster shakes in fear"No please!"They counted down to 0, and they shoot him with a harsh amount of energy, and he falls to the ground exploding, and they faced the other rangers and smiled."We did it!"After a while, they demorphed, and they went back on the ship, and Karone sits near the controls while sighing. Lyra went over to her and sat down beside her and placed her hand on her shoulder"Hey I know that you were Astronema and all that, but you have proved to us that you have changed I forgive you"Karone looks at her with tears in her eyes and she hugs Lyra while crying into her shoulder"Its okay I am always here for you"Lyra hugs her back and they hugged for a while and they broke away from each other and stood up"Now let's make some history for the future generations to remember us by"Karone nods and they walked into the simulation room for more training for the next major fight to occur..

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