War has started

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Next day

Alyssa's PoV

I slowly opened my eyes yawning I felt warm and I didn't want to move I rubbed my eyes to see Zion embracing me by his chest

Did I climb in the bed sleeping walking or did he carry me into bed??
I carefully turned around and tried to get up but he held tighter pulling me back down

"A few more minutes" he said in a deep voice so morning voice is different than is actual one "I have to get up" I said

"Argh why you're so warm" he said "I have to prepare Jerry for school" he growled "let's home school him"

"No, I want him to make friends" Zion groaned releasing me "only letting go because I like you" I rolled my eyes

"That's not true, you're letting me go so I can be happy that you agreed" I went to my bag picking it up I looked at my gun and dagger

And went to him installing the bullets "in case they come back" I said placing the gun and dagger on the bed

"Wow you were prepared" he said "prepared or regret you could've stopped it" I said "which should I choose I hate you to death and want to kill you so I've got to keep you alive"

He smiled "can't wait for the day you hurt me again" he said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes

"Very funny" I said leaving I drove back home and went to Jerry's room he was already placing his uniform on

I tied his shoe laces on "mummy where were you?" He asked "I was with daddy giving him something" I looked up and kissed his forehead

"Do you have your bag?" I asked "grandma has it" I smiled and nodded then heard gunshots firing downstairs my eyes widened

"Mummy I'm scared" I rubbed Jerrys back "shh it'll be fine grandpa will help us but I want you to hide in the closet I'll come back don't talk or make a sound until I come

If a bad man comes run to me" he nodded and went inside closing it holding his mouth I smiled then left his room and ran to my room opening my safe taking out my spare dagger and guns

And the bullets I could hear creaming downstairs "MUM!" I paused as I heard Kimberly scream I growled hearing footsteps in my room I got up and turned around seeing three men in black

We attacked each other I threw some jabs and rear kicks and front kicks then punched them cold I began stabbing them non stop until I saw a huddle going towards Jeremiah's bedroom

I ran and jumped kicking one of them in the back then stabbed him I got up tightening my fists and stabbed each and every single one of them

I took out my phone and rang Ella

"Ella come over with your family and mafia we're under attack!" I said

"On it"

I hung up and seconds later they arrived I saw Ella run upstairs towards me "take Jerr-" I took out my gun and shot the two men behind her

As they dropped dead she looked behind frightened "Ella take Jeremiah take him to Zion don't tell Zion what's going on please because he'll worry tell Jerry to say that I have work"

Ella nodded going to his room I stood by the door guarding it until she left when she found him she called out to me

I ran in "cover his eyes" I yelled and she did and I stabbed each other them I safely escorted them out while killing everyone that tried to get to Jeremiah

And then I saw Oliver and Clayton walk in looking furious "my, my look at the mess we've caused" Clayton said smirking

"What are you doing!" I yelled "I'm here to take what's mine" he said

He then turned to Fabian "hello son" our eyes widened I looked at Fabian that looked emotionless

Taking his gun out he shot Clayton, Oliver was going to shoot Fabian so I pushed Fabian and took the shot

Immediately being thrown onto the ground I groaned in agony but then slowly got up holding my chest as blood gushed out feeling dizzy

"Mh I knew you didn't back down when you drugged me at the club and yet I shoot you in the chest and you still stand up"

Oliver said he looked down at Clayton and his fist tightened "you've killed my father oh wait our father" he said looking at Fabian smirking

"Fabian isn't like...Fabian.."
"Oh I forgot to mention but that bullet included poison depending how strong your immune system is let's hope your don't die

You'll come in handy to get Zion to me" he pointed the gun at my shoulder and shot me "Dad...take..Fabian away" I said taking all the shots

I didn't care if I took the bullets as long as nobody dies in my family which is a bit too late I could see my mother lifeless in Kimberly's arms

I felt like crying for her but I had to keep strong "fire ahead I'll fight to the end" I said

As he placed in the last bullet
"Shamefully this bullet includes the poison that will immediately kill you within seconds"

I smirked "do it" I said and he fired it making me finally drop before closing my eyes I heard him say

"Find the kid and bring him to me alive!" I slowly closed my eyes and that was it

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