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Alyssa's PoV

"Come on girls" I said "we should dance" Ariana said taking my hand I smiled going to the dance floor

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"Come on girls" I said "we should dance" Ariana said taking my hand I smiled going to the dance floor

We danced and had so much fun she was drinking a lot and ended up becoming drunk so I had to babysit her but she wanted to dance

So I had to agree since the others went somewhere I don't know exactly where we turned it all the way up and had the best time

"Alyssa dance, show your baby!" I chuckled she twirled me around I ended up hitting a guy by my back I turned around

And he smiled until he saw my baby bump and then left I sighed but then someone grabbed my hand and sprung me around

I looked at the person and smiled "hello handsome"
"Hello baby mama" I chuckled "that's all? You don't think I'm gorgeous even though-"

"You are gorgeous I just didn't say because I assumed you're taken? So are you?" He asked "No" I replied

He smiled and danced with me then leaned to my ear and whispered "good I have a chance" I smiled

We danced for awhile but then went to get drinks he got himself whiskey and I got water "so who's the guy and why isn't he with you?" I chuckled

"He doesn't want to be involved and it's a secret I'm not saying his name" he hummed "mysterious I like it"

I smiled "one way to keep a man on his eye on me is to keep him hanging" I said he nodded taking a sip of the glass

"So if I were to kiss you would you take it as sexual assault or liking?" He asked I chuckled "weird but I'd take it as liking"

He smirked grabbing the stool and bringing me closer to him "then I guess you won't mind it" he placed his hand on the side of my cheek and leaned me in

Closing my eyes he kissed me softly

Lucians PoV

As I entered the club with Miranda she ran to the table and sat down calling me over I smiled and went to sit I whistled and a waiter came over

I ordered our drinks I held her hand "are you sure you want to see" I asked "I do" I sighed

I looked at the dance floor and already saw some women looking at me even looking at my hand and still not caring

I looked at the bar and looked at the people but then froze and felt like my heart ripped I saw bellissima kissing a man

Her hand held onto his black jacket they made out so much "oh you spotted Alyssa we should say hi" she suggested

I squeezed her hand stopping her I placed Miranda on my lap and she looked at me startled

I kissed her she placed her hands on my shoulders sliding her tongue in my mouth slipping a moan I began to kiss her neck

And she lifted her neck I began to suck on it feeling her dig her nails into my shoulders smirking

I opened my eyes and saw Bellissima taking the man away into a room I stopped and looked at Miranda and kissed her

"Love I'll be back have to use the restroom" I said and she nodded

I got up and headed to the room I turned around seeing her drink out drinks I walked into the room I went to the guy grabbing his collar I threw him onto the ground removing him from her lips

And I repeatedly punched him
"Lucian stop!"
I felt her touch me and I immediately paused

"Lucian leave him"
I got up "wait...what are you doing here?" She asked

"I own the place remember" I said smirking
"And bellissima, If I can't have you then no one can"

I saw her tighten her fists she bent down to the guy touching his face "I'm so sorry" she said to him trying to see for wounds

I took her hand and she looked up I could forever stare into those crystal blue eyes "what are you doing to me bellissima"

I said she got up and looked at me "Lucian...are you here with your wife?" She asked "it doesn't matter if-"

"Go back to her, I'm not yours and never will be" I growled "I said I won't lose you again, push me away all you want but I will get you eventually"

She slapped my hand away "get it through your head Lucian you're a married man we can't have anything every time you see me you want to kiss me have you even felt like that with your wife

I'm not some toy that you can just kiss or have sec then leave and go back to your wife and wait for the next time you see me!"

She groaned touching her stomach "what's-"
She shoved me away and sat down and sighed she went to the guy and helped him up

And he left I went over to her and knelt down "bellissima I'm the father of the baby whether you like it or not I deserve to know if anything is wrong" I said calmly

"You aren't the father...this baby has no father the moment you saw the test" I looked down covering my face

I slowly got up "I won't be apart of Jeremiah's life for real no matter how hard I try so bye" I headed towards the door

And heard her get up "yeah...this is our goodbye" I looked at the floor then opened the door and left

I leaned on the door and sighed if she wasn't so hard to deal with then we'd be fine by now

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