Sneak out

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Lucians PoV

"Baby, why don't you want me?" Miranda asked me as she stood only in her underwear but I couldn't stop picturing Alyssa

Why did she have to come "I'm not in the mood to have sex" I said "what? You were always in the mood before"

I sighed turning around looking at her "babe please not tonight I have too much on my mind" I said if I were to have sex with her and accidentally say Alyssa that'll make me the worst husband alive

"Baby-" I placed on some jeans and a top and shoes "Lucian where are you going?" Miranda asked "to see an old friend"

"Let me come" she said
"No stay" I demanded I rushed downstairs grabbing my keys I sped to her mansion and parked out front the lights were all off so I went to her window I can climb this pole right?

Ah screw it I went to the pole and began pushing my strength up until I reach her window I saw her bedroom empty so I opened the window and climbed in

I quietly closed the window her room was dark and I saw a crib by the bed and a blue blanket and a teddy bear

I saw some baby books and smiled I gulped hearing footsteps so I looked around and saw a chair in the shadow I went and sat down

The door opened and she came in laughing with the man George from the wedding
"I can't believe you scared that old woman" bellissima said smiling

"She kept staring at your baby so I wanted to startle her"
"George you could've given her a heart attack!"

She's getting a bit too comfortable around him wait what am I even doing I'm married I shouldn't be here

"How was it at the wedding when you saw him...?" The man asked
I looked at bellissima "it was fine, he's happy I'm happy it's just how it's supposed to be if he still doesn't like me then it's fine"

"Let's be for real for once Alyssa, at any point when you were with him alone did you like him?" The man asked

"No, I confessed to him that I only used him"
"So you don't like-"

"So you didn't lie back then you really don't like me?" They both screamed as she shot up from the bed grabbing the lamp

"Lucian?" The man said "why are you here?" He asked
"Simply wanted to speak to bellissima" I came out the shadows

"But I'd feel more safe if she'd put it down"
"Are you fucking crazy I almost had a heart attack!" She said angrily

"Aren't you supposed to be with your wife?" She said confused "yes I am" the lights turned on "so why are you here?" She asked again

"I don't know" I said
"I know it's fucked up we took different paths but I still can't stop thinking of you"

"You're speaking nonsense Lucian just go back home go back to her we are living different lives"

"Uh Alyssa I'll see you tomorrow"
She nodded and the man left I took a step closer and she took a step back

"Lucian please don't do this, you don't want to, just go back" she said the pain from before was back in her eyes

"But I can't the baby" I saw her slowly shift her eyes down to her stomach "you mean the mistake"

I tightened my jaw I went to her trapping her to the wall "I said I didn't mean those words, I don't think Jeremiah as a mistake"

"Please, bellissima just look at me" I said
"Lucian please let me go I don't want to go through this again"

I slowly lifted her chin to face me "go through what again?" I asked
"This, me, you the pain" she said with rage and upset in her blue eyes

"Lucian don't make me call them" I grabbed her hand and placed it on my chest "I took a bullet for you do you want me to take another to prove to you that I...I still like you"

She stared into my eyes "y-you what..." she stuttered "I'm horrible, I know I'm married but I still like the first woman I've ever liked you make me happy you make me frustrated and angry but above of all you make me want you

You're like my drug no matter how many women I sleep with even get married to I still can't stop thinking about you I can't stand the fact you're close to that George guy I can't stand the fact you smile with him

Laugh with him, talk with him, hold hands, let him pretend to be the dad, kiss you I want to do all of those things-"

"Lucian you're married don't" she said
"Bellissima, please don't tell me when I left, you were glad"

"I wanted you...I wanted you by my side through everything but you weren't there I had to become friends with a stranger who is now like my best friend he helps me with everything

Hell I wouldn't mind if he took the father role he's there whenever I need him whether it's just for shopping or tying my shoes or helping with my hair or washing my back

Or even simple things he's there and you're not you're out there with your wife god doing what I'm here alone a single parent because the other half doesn't want to be involved"

She said as tears began to form in her eyes
"I needed you but you were no where!" She said with tears finally pouring out

"I hate you so much Lucian I should've never met you I should've never gotten close to you" I grabbed the back of her neck and slammed my lips on her kissing her

She tried to push me away but I grabbed her lower back kissing her she began to melt in and kissed me back

I felt my phone vibrate at my back pocket I knew who it was but I ignored it

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