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Alyssa's PoV

Fuck I was so close to getting close to Oliver he's my target for tonight and of course Lucian King had to interrupt

That's right, the moment I laid eyes on him I knew exactly who he was but I don't think he knows who I am which is good

I knew Oliver would drug the drink but if it meant getting drugged to be taken and find any information I'd do it

But now it's all ruined
"Well now I can't have any fun might as well go back home" I said sighing budging past Zion

I got into my car and took out my phone texting the girls that I'm heading home I drove home and parked in the garage

I went inside and went to my dads office
"So did it work? Did he take the bait?" I smirked "he took the bait, but as soon as he invited me over it got interrupted"

"By who?" He asked confused
I smirked "Lucian King" his eyes widened
"As in Dereks son!" I nodded

He examined me "Alyssa Madrigal Cassietta! Did you make out with him!"

I gulped
"You see I wanted to get something out of him after placing this *shows tiny camera* but then we got interrupted so I couldn't place it on him"

He sighed
"Fuck! Not only did you guys make out but his family is coming over tomorrow for a meeting" my eyes widened

"Did he find out who you are" dad asked I shook my head "alright, tomorrow stay in your room and don't leave until I say they're gone"

I nodded the door opened and Fabian walked in "father I've got some information you'll find-"

"Alyssa...are those hickeys?" Fabian asked Fabian has always been protective over me even though he knows I can handle myself

But I think it's just a brother instinct to always protect the younger ones "Fabian I'm not a child, I can kiss-"

"Who is it!" He asked
"Lucian King" I looked at my dad who was smirking "you rat!"

Dad laughed
"No, actually this is good" Fabian said "what?" I said confused

"You've already got close...what I mean is get closer to him maybe if we partner with him and his mafia we can finally beat that mother fucker Clayton and his son"

I sighed "Oliver wanted to drug me tonight but Lucian interrupted" I said "fuck!" I shrugged my shoulders

"If I was drugged I wouldn't be here-"
"You'd be at Lucian since he interrupted which! You could've snooped around get get something out of it"

I sighed "I don't have time for you guys, where's Alice?" I asked "with Dash" of course with her boyfriend

They're practically glued together I would literally be surprised if they broke up I left the office and went to my room and had a shower

They're practically glued together I would literally be surprised if they broke up I left the office and went to my room and had a shower

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I went to my laptop and did some research on Lucian King as I dug deeper and deeper I managed to find his personal details

I hacked further and oil his number I turned on my desk lamp then opened the drawer and grabbed my mint packet

I placed one in my mouth then placed in my AirPods and placed on music as I typed his number on my phone

I went onto messenger and texted him

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