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"Is she alright? Is the baby alright?" Miranda kept asking when I arrived but all I could think about was

How can I say it without breaking her heart I took her hand and led her to the sofa we sat down "she's fine she's healthy and good just a broken arm and limb, the baby is alright as well"

Miranda sighed in relief "thank god, I really can't handle bad news right now I swear if someone tells me bad news I'm going to kill them"

Well fuck me
I stroked her hand and smiled "Miranda" she hummed "you know I love you right"

"Of course otherwise you wouldn't have married me" right I cleared my throat "remember that time when we met and I was a wreck"

She nodded
"I was a wreck because I liked this woman...something happened-"

"Did she die?" I shook my head
"The thing is...she came back into my life a few months ago"

"When I got engaged to you and saw her at the ball I couldn't stop thinking about her"

"I tried my best to forget her those months after leaving her she hated me from the beginning and I made it worse to the point her father shot me

I apologised to her always but she'd push me away and not accept it I'm sorry I should've done better I should've told you-"

"Who's this woman..." she asked
"Alyssa" I said
"As in Alyssa Cassietta the one we met the one that went to our wedding the one in that plane crash?!"

I nodded
"And you're telling me this because?" She asked
"I've been seeing her-"
"Seeing her as in Hi or Hello or..."

"Romantically" I said
And she removed her hand and stood up
"You're romantically involved with Alyssa!" She yelled

Grabbing the pillow and slapping me with it then paused "she's pregnant...." I looked at her and got up

"Yes, the baby is mine"
"She said the father isn't involved is that why you left it's because she got pregnant by you! What fucking guy would do that!"

I sighed as she went back to hitting me she took her heels and threw them at me as I ran away one hitting my chest where the stitches were making blood come out again

And the other hitting my knee I groaned as I held onto the wall feeling dizzy she came above me as I laid on the floor

And continuing punched me and then I passed out

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