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You arrive at the mall and go inside. "So what are you thinking about getting her?" You ask stan while walking in. "I have no clue... what do you get someone who you're crazy about but not dating cause she doesn't feel the same way..." "what do you mean doesn't feel the same way?" "She doesn't like me back.." "that's not true Wendy is crazy about you!""Really?" Stan says stopping dead in his tracks "ya she talks about you nonstop" "no way" "way" "dude this is your chance to Slide" Kyle says "ok now what do I get her!!!" Stan says knowing this has to be a good gift "give her your d" Kenny says and only cartman laughs "get her a bracelet!" You say "that's perfect!" Stan says

You guys walk around looking for the perfect gift for Wendy when cartman stops everyone by standing in front of you and Kyle. "Y/n, Kyle, this is your time to shine" you and Kyle look at him confused. "Food court 3 o'clock" you and Kyle look and see butters, Tolkien, tweek, Craig, cylde, along with other people from your school. "If you guys are a "couple" you guys need to hold hands or something" cartman says. You look at Kyle and he grabs your hand. It's a little awkward at first cause you don't know if your locking fingers or not but then you both lock fingers and relax. You don't mind holding hands with Kyle and he doesn't seem to mind either. Tolkien comes up to everyone "hey guys" "what up man" Stan says " woah are you guys a thing" he smiles looking at Kyle "um ya" Kyle says.
And just like that me and Kyle were the new couple at South Park. Word spread and I had people asking me left and right if we were a thing.

The first day of school as a couple rolled around and you were nervous. you met Kyle by his car before school in the parking lot "you ready?" "I am but are you?" he says smiling looking at you "let's do this" you and him lock hands and walk into the school. Heads turn and people stare as you and him walk hand and hand through the hallways. Marc sees and rolls his eyes. You get to your class and sit by him and he hands you his AirPods and smiles. You put it in and hear "California love"

At lunch the boys come and sit at your table. You and Kyle are talking when Wendy Says "everyone I am having a party for my birthday this weekend and everyone is invited!" Everyone nods!

The rest of the week goes my smooth you and Kyle are really selling this whole relationship thing. You and Kyle are getting really close too you don't even have to really pretend it just comes naturally. "Hey so me, Stan, and Wendy were all going to hangout today but I really don't want to third wheel so you should come" Kyle asks. "I'll come!" "Thank You so much!! All they do is make out the whole time and I have to pretend not to care" "on second thought maybe I won't come" "no y/n pleaseeeeee" he grabs your hands "fine fine but you owe Me" "deal"

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