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You're laying on your bed looking at old photos of you and Marc when you get a text from a unknown number

Hey it's Kyle, Wendy gave me your number

                                           Hey Kyle, listen I really appreciate you agreeing to do this but you don't have to.

Don't worry y/n I don't mind.
                                           Do you maybe want to come over tomorrow so we can get to know each other?

Yep that works!
                                                 See you then!

You smile and change his name to       "Kyle <3". Your mom walks in your room after getting home from work. It was just you and your mom, your dad left when you were little, Your moms a nurse so her hours are always crazy and sometimes you don't see her much. "Hey y/n how was school and the big party" "well...." You go on to tell your mom everything but you don't tell her about the plan. "Can I have a friend come over tomorrow?" "Who may I ask?" "His name is Kyle" "well you moved on quick" she jokes " mommmmm he just a friend" "fine ok but door open!" Your mom kisses your head and you go to bed.

Next morning you wake up and put gray sweatpants on and a cute white tank top and go downstairs and wait for Kyle to come. You hear him pull on the driveway and fix your hair before answering the door "hey y/n" " hi Kyle, come in" Kyle comes in and you walk him up to your room and shut the door mostly but leave it a little open for your mom. "So" you say awkwardly "so" he says back "what should we do?" "Let's ask each other questions I'll start. What's your favorite color? " "Purple, what's your favorite song?" "California dream" " no way mine too" you say excited! Kyle smiles! You and Kyle continue to ask each other questions for about a hour "ok you ask now" Kyle says "is it true you never had a girlfriend before?" you ask scared he will get embarrassed. "It's true..." "why haven't you dated anyone" "just haven't found the right many people have you dated?" "I had a kindergarten boyfriend who's name I don't remember and then just Marc" "he nods "here let me follow you on insta and TikTok" you take his phone and go to follow yourself "why don't you have any TikTok's posted?" "I don't do TikTok's" "well now that you're my bf you kinda have to" "oh do I" he says smirking " it's what bfs do! You wouldn't know since-" he pushes you over and you both start laughing. Your mom comes in your room and sees you both on the floor laughing. "Hey are you guys getting hungry for dinner" you haven't even realized all the time that went by. "Hi mis l/n I'm Kyle" Kyle shakes her hand while your mom looks impressed. "Nice to meet you Kyle! I was thinking about ordering pizza! Is that good with everyone?" You both nod and she goes downstairs. "So we need a list of rules" "rules?" he says "yes rules so we know what's ok and not ok" "fine so what If I walk you to your classes?" "that's perfect" you write it down in your notebook!" "We can sit together at lunch?" "That works stan will be happy to sit with Wendy" you laugh and write that down " "we will post pictures AND TIKTOKS together" you emphasize the tiktok. He rolls his eyes and agrees " what about.. yk physical stuff?" "Im good with holding hands, a kiss in the cheek, hugs" "that works with me"  he says " also you get my AirPod in class so you better like my music" he says. You laugh" that's ok with me" you laugh as you make and decorate the list!

🌼Rules  💖⭐️
1.Kyle Walks me to class
2. Holding hands 👫
3. Kisses on cheek
4. Go to lunch together 💖
5. Attend party's together
6. Post each other
7. Keep parents out of this
8. I get his AirPods in class
9. I'll wear  kyles hoodies. 💋 xoxo
10. Not tell a single soul

X Kyle broflovsky
X y/n l/n

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