Kyles house

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After you guys eat you talk some more before Kyle has to go home. "Do you want to come over my house tomorrow?" "Ya sure" "I'll text you my address" "kk" "bye y/n I had fun today" "bye ky" "ky?" "It's your new nickname I made up" " you're cute bye n/n ( nickname)" Kyle leaves. did Kyle just call me cute?? Holy shit.

Kyles pov
I drive home from y/n house feeling good and nervous. What if someone asks me a question about her and I don't know the answer... I'll blow the whole operation. What if someone asks us to kiss I'll totally tense up and mess everything up. I overthink the whole way home till I check my phone

Y/n ❤️
Had a lot of fun today!

I smile at my phone

*Next day*
*Y/n pov*

I wake up and get ready to go over kyles house. "Hi y/n" "Hey Kyle" he opens the door and lets me inside and we go to his room. I look around and then look at the doorway where I see this little kid staring at me. "damn Kyle said you were pretty but your like pretty pretty! What are you doing with a guy like Kyle??!!" His little brother says "MOM GET IKE OUT OF MY ROOM" Kyle screams "don't mind him that's my little asshole brother ike" kyles mom comes in "hi doll you must be y/n" "hi it's nice to meet you" "I'll be downstairs if you two need anything" she shuts the door and leave. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Kyle asks "sure but you have to pick" "do you like the movie cars?" "I love the movie cars!!!" Kyle smiles as you both sit on his bed and watch the movie. You hear a knock on the door "come in" Kyle yells "your friends are at the door" ike says covering his eyes while he talks "ike why are you covering your eyes?" "I don't want to see you and your girlfriend fingering eachother" ike says "leave me and my girlfriend alone" that was the first time Kyle called you his girlfriend out loud and for some reason you get butterflies. You and Kyle go downstairs and see Cartman, Kenny, and Stan. "Hey dude sorry we didn't know she was over" Stan says "you guys are good come in" Kyle says "I have to get Wendy a present for her birthday so I was wondering if you would want to go to the mall with us. Y/n can come to we need the help" Kyle looks at me and I do a little nod "ya sure we'll go" you all pile into stans car and are sitting very close to Kyle in the car until you arrive at the mall.

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