Happy Birthday, Eddie |part 3|

Start from the beginning

I smile at his silly behavior and pick up my own slice. To be honest, I didn't care that I had less than anyone else, I cared that Ben was eating and happy.

I ate slowly, wanting to save every bite.

"Again, we are so happy we found you. Things are crazy!" Darius spoke to the man, giving his gratitude for what seemed to be the fourth time.
He continued to rant to the man who was peering out the windows. "There's a giant camouflaged dinosaur out there. Also, regular dinosaurs. We've been hoping to find someone-"

"You're sure you closed the door behind you, right?" He cut Darius off, a tone of... something hidden in his voice.

I glance at the man with furrowed eyebrows, a heavy amount of bad vibes shooting through my veins.
In an instant, I noticed how bad this whole situation looked. This man was in the room alone with a birthday cake that had lit candles on it. It seemed almost deranged.

Now having lost my appetite, I slide my plate over to Fashion Famous, seeing as he has already finished his slice. I motion for him to have it as I cross my arms over my chest. Kenji takes it as he licks his lips, not sparing me another glance.

"Uh.. I think so." D-man answers his question with uncertainty.
"You think, or you know?" The man snaps back.
"He knows," I raise my voice, their eyes pan towards me. "I closed it." I narrow my eyes at the man as he does it back.

The Doof-Of-The-Week suddenly burps, moving our focus towards him. Noticing that the man wasn't even aware of us eating ALL of his cake, Kenji widens his eyes.
"Sorry?" He says, offering him the plate, "did you want it back?"

"You know what? Doesn't matter." He begins to look out the windows again, kneeling down... for some reason.
"The dinosaurs got out and no one bothered to tell me; they just ran. So, why not? Knock yourself out."

I felt pity for the man, but not enough to lessen my weariness on him.

"Ugh! There's no dial tone!" I heard Pinky yell in frustration, slamming the phone she found down and falling backwards into a chair. I look over at her with compassion.

"The landlines are down." I bring my focus back to the man, not like I want to, "so is the radio, and the cell phone service keeps cutting out."
We all stare in shock. Our plan was to find a phone, to find help, but it seems that we haven't gotten either.

Darius begins to speak, "But the park obviously has a plan. So, what's that plan? What do we do?"

It's silent as he looks at us with shock, a smile evident on his face, "You're asking me?" He begins to laugh manically, kneeling on the floor.

"Asking me?" He continues to laugh as I get chills throughout my body.

"Is that, like, a good freaky laugh?" Sammy asks with a wearily smile.

The man suddenly stands up quickly, moving towards us. Noticing this, I step in front of Darius who was the closest to him. I felt an urge to, not knowing what this man is capable of or what he was doing.

"Do you not get it? We're doomed. No one is coming to help!" He gets closer, stepping right up towards my face. I stay in my stance, trying to look as intimidating as I can.

"Don't say that." I mutter to him, knowing that he could hear me. "You don't know that!" I raise my voice slightly, my face becoming furrowed.

'Are we truly doomed? Are we trapped here? This is it?' Thoughts roamed through my head.
I was scared, as much as I didn't want to admit it, I was.

Kenji begins to talk, "But what about Dr. Wu, or Dr-"

"Wu? Who do you think is to blame?" The man cuts him off and begins to flail his hand, now making his way around the room.
"Wu got greedy. A-and instead of dinosaurs he built monsters!" He began to stammer, directing us to look at a machine with eggs that was still working.

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