Happy Birthday, Eddie |part 1|

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Me? Updating???? As if


Walking through an island wasn't ideal. Tripping over sticks, high grass scratching your arms, bugs in your face, and not to mention the overwhelming fear of being chewed up by a dinosaur for lunch. Aren't we lucky, huh?

Darius leads us through the maze of trees, pushing past any leaves.

I sigh heavily, looking past the weeds and low branches of the island in search for any other human life.


It was quiet, the only sound heard was our panting from our consistent walking.

I change my mind, we should've stayed at the camp.
I would rather wait in a place that we're familiar with than wander about. Maybe someone could've come back for us?

I notice Ben lacking behind us, shuddering at all of the dirt and grime that has gathered on his clothes. He quickly takes out one of his last sanitizers and rubs it on his arms, hoping to feel an ounce of cleanliness.

I turn back around while shaking my head at him. Who knows what Ben would do without his hand sanitizer...

he would probably go insane.

My eyes trail to Sammy as I watch her fiddle with her pocket.

Before I can even question, there was a loud snap and a screech coming from behind me.

Almost instantly, everyone jumps back and screams from the sudden noise. I feel a grip on my arm and look over to see Pinky holding onto me tightly, fear coding her whole face.

All of our eyes trail to Ben, who's foot laid on a branch.
"Sorry," he starts to explain, "I stepped on a twig."

"Jesus, Ben." I mutter to myself.

"Ugh, come on man." Yasmina had groaned, helping Sammy up from the floor. "You done gave me a heart attack!" Sammy's texan accent shines, dusting off her pants.

I look over to Brooklynn once again. We make eye contact for a moment and she looks away, her hand dropping from my arm and back to her side. I quickly miss the contact but as soon as I notice, the douche bag runs his mouth.

"I should step on you." I heard Kenji threaten. I simply glare at him, too tired from all our walking to properly scold him.

"It's okay, Ben. We're all on edge." Darius said cooly.
Yaz quickly shoots back, making a sassy remark, "And lost."

Sammy decides to speak up,
"Yeah, we've been out here for a while now." She pauses and glances at me for a second, as if I could fact-check that information for her. I simply nod my head with my closed eyes, agreeing. It felt as if I could keep my eyes closed forever in that moment, that when I open them again I would be at home in a warm bed, that everyone would be safe with their families.

But of course, when my pupils met Sammy's once again, we were still stuck in these goddamn woods on a very dangerous island. She had turned around to look at Darius,

"Darius, we sure we're still headed towards the park?"

Brooklynn scoffs, "Well, we'd be sure if I still had my phone, because it has a GPS, a compass app, and is also a phone!" She had walked up close to her, flailing her arms around mildly.

"Sammy didn't steal your phone!" Yasmina butts in.

"Fuck.." I curse under my breath, trailing off as I know where this was directed, for almost the 100th time today.
I'm tired, way too tired to be dealing with this again. My eyelids felt droopy, my legs are wobbly, and my voice is cracked from dehydration. I'd kill for a glass of water right about now. I'm sure we all would.

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