Chapter 102: Klaath Queens

Start from the beginning

The holodisplay shifted once more. Now it showed the portals on the far end of the sector. "The last two groups of Queens are our problem. We're taking half the YEETs. Hell, we're taking half of everything. We're accelerating as fast as the YEETs can go, but the Queens will still have hours to coordinate before we can get there."

"This unit believes we should take every vessel capable of matching acceleration with the YEET Artillery Barges," Kilroy cut in. "This set of stations can be sacrificed if necessary."

"Maybe it could," said Mims. "But it's the only force we've got near New Pixa. All of this is for nothing if the Klaath sterilize the planet."

"There is only a twelve point six three percent chance our offensive will be successful with half the fleet." The Peacekeeper's eyes flashed purple.

"That's..." Yvian could hear Lissa's frown. "That's not good odds."

"Maybe not," Mims admitted. He folded his arms. "But I doubt our chances are much better if we bring them along."

"Our odds would increase," Kilroy insisted. "We would have a thirteen point seven four percent chance of success."

"Still not comforting," said Lissa.

"And not much of an improvement," Yvian noted. "I'm with the Captain on this one."

"The good news is we've got sixty thousand Stingers coming our way just as fast as they can." Mims checked his wrist console. "The bad news is they won't reach us for another fourteen hours. The Queens will be far enough in to coordinate the Klaath in five." He let out a long breath through his nose. "

The first few hours were tense, but uneventful. Most of the ships that were equipped with beam weapons were of Confederation design, and far too slow to keep up with the YEETs. Mims had ended up taking all eight hundred beam frigates, twenty YEET Artillery barges, two hundred Gladiator class fighters, and twenty battlecruisers. In the Confed it would have been an unstoppable force. In the face of the Klaath it felt... small.

The beam frigates fired continuously, clearing the path ahead. Periodically, a group of Klaath Frigates or the occasional Destroyer would swoop towards Yvian's armada. They'd bring thousands of Corvettes and smaller craft in their wake. Six hundred Plasma Beam Cannons was only enough to destroy the smaller ships before they reached Yvian, but some well placed MAC rounds killed the capitol ships before they could enter firing range.

By the four hour mark, Stinger fleets had reached three of the Klaath Queen portals. The ships were smaller than the Encounter, but their Phased Beam Arrays were twice as deadly as the beam cannons in Yvian's fleet. They massacred the Klusters making up the portals in short order. With the portal ring disrupted, the portal cut off, slicing the front quarter of the Queenships off and leaving the rest trapped in Klaath space.

Less than an hour after that, everything changed. A Klaath Queen needs to get a third of its bulk into a sector before it can start firing weapons or directing the other Klaath. Yvian knew at least one of them had managed it when a wing of ten Frigates and a few thousand smaller ships suddenly veered away from it's attack run on her armada. All the Klaath between Yvian and the Queens stayed where they were, flying erratically enough to prevent a YEET round from passing between them. The others all streamed towards each other, forming massive fleets.

"Fuck me," Mims cursed. He glared at the holodisplay. "I hope I'm right about this."

"It would appear so," Kilroy reassured him. "The Klaath have no regard for their own lives, but they are prioritizing the protection of their Queens above all else." The Peacekeeper typed into a console and the holodisplay shifted to a wide view of the sector. "Klaath ships are rallying and moving exclusively towards our fleets. Even the groups attacking the Gates have broken off."

"So New Pixa's safe for now?" Yvian let a little of the tension out of her shoulders. "That's good news."

"It is not," Kilroy disagreed. "It means we have the full attention of seventeen million Klaath attack craft. We will be overwhelmed and destroyed."

"Not necessarily," said Mims. "We've been accelerating for a while. The Klaath are fast, but it will still take a long time for anything behind us to match speed and catch up." He tucked the portion of his helmet that covered his chin into his hand. "Now it's a race. We just have to get close enough to kill the Queens before the rest of the Klaath overtake us."

"Getting close will be difficult." The Peacekeeper changed the holodisplay again. It showed Klaath streaming into the area between Yvian and the Queens she was after. "The Klaath are increasing their defense. This unit calculates a full six hundred thousand vessels will be in place by the time we arrive."

Mims grunted. He thought for a moment. He looked at Kilroy. "Got any more secret armies? Maybe a super weapon you haven't told us about?"

Kilroy's eyes flashed yellow. "Does this unit count?"

Mims snorted. "Well, we've got fifteen hours to come up with a plan. We'll just have to..." The human trailed off. The portal in front of them winked out of existence. The front third of eight Queenships drifted, disabled but not destroyed. "What the hell?"

"The Vore," Yvian guessed. "That's what they did at Krog Prime, when the Vore infected them."

"Run a scan," the human ordered. "We need to know if those bastards are infected."

While Yvian was scanning, Kilroy spoke. "Stinger Fleet Six reports successful engagement. All Klaath Queenships destroyed. Stinger fleet six is en route to assist Stinger fleet five."

"Scan complete," Yvian reported. "No signs of the Vore."

"Good news all around," said the Captain. "Thirty two down, forty to go."

"Alert." Kilroy's eyes flashed red. "Stinger Fleet Four reports Vore infection." He typed rapidly into his console. The display flashed to the remains of eight Queens. The Klaath had cut their portal, but they hadn't been fast enough. The front thirds of the massive Queenships drifted just as the others had, but pulsing silver threads lashed around and between them. The Klaath Klusters that had made up the portal exploded into Raiders and Fighters, pulsing white plasma down on the infected ships. Yvian didn't think it would do them much good.

"Fuck." Captain Mims took a breath and let all the tension out of his shoulders. "Who's flying the Ballbreaker?"

"Peacekeeper unit 898967151," Kilroy told him.

"We'll call him Dave," the Captain decided. "Dave Evans. Tell Captain Evans to change course. We're making for the Vore."

"This fleet must not change course," Kilroy reminded him. "The Klaath Queens must be destroyed."

"I know." The Captain was grim. "It will just be us."

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