The burning feeling went away, but also the light that emanated from it.

I felt myself floating around in this dark void again. Grateful for the peacefulness. If this is how death feels like, then I don't mind being here. All the years of fighting, experiencing loss, and heartache...this is all I can ask for.


But the memory of my family woke me up from that illusion.

I need to find Aemond, he must be out there trying to save me. My husband won't let me die.

Again I focused all my energy, on creating the image of him. Not knowing that in doing so my surroundings changed. Changing into a room within a castle. A room with no doors, just a single window.

I found him after some time and my eyes shot open as I grabbed hold of his thoughts.

Aemond, I called out to him, seeing the confusion rushing through his mind. But he is too focused on the storm raging around him. I can see how he is trying to steer Vhagar through the dark clouds around him.

Aemond, my love.

I tried again, focusing harder on that small spot behind his eye, the spot I need for him to see me.

The image of him appeared in this strange room, looking straight at me. The confusion in his mind turned into longing and I reached my hand out to him, knowing that I can't touch him.

My love, I said and tried to smile. Suddenly the black mass that was inside me formed in the far corner of the room. It looked like a heap of tar lying on the floor. It started moving, coming closer, reaching its tendrils out to touch me.

Even though I didn't know where I was, I knew instantly that the black mass was death. That it was coming for me.

I need you, Aemond. The black mass grabbed hold of my leg. I tried to pull it back but it was too stuck to even move an inch.

I don't know how long I can hold on. The power inside me started to flicker.

My body is becoming weak. I tried to force it away with my mind, but nothing happened. I am not strong enough to defeat it.

Not even my mind is strong enough to keep myself alive.

I think Aemond heard the urgency in my voice because he replied. Just hold on. His beautiful voice echoed in the room and for a brief moment, the black mass let go of my leg giving me the chance to move away from it. But the room is only that big.

I will try for as long as I am able, but you need to hurry.

I might be able to keep myself away from its grasp. If Aemond can be quick enough to find a way to wake me up.

And I did try, if only people could see how hard I fought to not let Death grab hold of me again. I ran around this tiny room, jumping over it, and throwing it with the objects around us.

But eventually, I grew tired and that was exactly what it was waiting for. Again it grabbed me and this time I didn't have enough energy in me to fight it.

Aemond, I can't hold on any longer.

I don't know if he heard my last message to him. In my heart, I knew I won't be able to send another one, that he might not be in time. This is the end for me.

Slowly Death crept up my body and I started to lose feeling in my legs. If I could fall over I would but the black mass was holding me up.

As it reached my torso it started to suffocate me, pressing hard onto my lungs. With every inhale it pressed down harder.

I had no more will in me to fight.

It covered my whole body, surrounding me in darkness once more.

And I blacked out. I couldn't think anymore. Couldn't breathe.


It wasn't pleasant, wasn't peaceful. Just nothing.

I died.

I wish that I could've seen my twins again, see my beautiful little girl with her beautiful heart. And my boy, Rhaegar, my white-haired little love. There is a stronger bond between me and my son, than with my daughter.
Rhaegar is so much like his father, strong, courageous, and willing to do anything for you.

If only I could feel Aemond's touch again. Feel his lips on mine.

I am leaving them behind and I can't do anything to reverse what has happened.

But something did happen.

The black mass started to crack around me, filling with light to wake me up. Slowly I did wake up, opening my eyes to this blinding light coming through the cracks.
The cracks started to crumble, becoming bigger. I could breathe again, think again, and move my limbs.

Then I woke up.

The Wolf Queen - Part 2 - (Aemond Targaryen) Where stories live. Discover now