Chapter 30

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Alex pov

I was confused about why I was back in the basement of the sparrow academy, but let it go since I had left my wife and a killing machine with each other... seems like a bad idea. I was on my way to five, hoping the two didn't kill each other yet. I feel fives pain as I felt myself stopped and looked at the sky.

Five pov

I open the electrical box and placed the two power cords, I walked over to the briefcase and placed the other half on it.

Lila: nice suit.

Five: thanks. Alex got it tailored at the lobby who is a master craftsman.

Lila: still, I will miss those pasty knees.

Five: well, we could all stand to be showing a
Little less skin these days. And besides, those knees are only for Alex's eyes.

Lila hand me the other handles.

Lila: for you.

Five: yeah.

As she holds the box to turn on the electricity.

Lila: ready to hot-wire this briefcase?

Five: let's do this.

As Lila turned it on, I try to power the box through the pain.

Five: SHIT! Lila!

As Lila continue laughing, I tried to stop generating the briefing. I felt my body being controlled and I went to grab a towel and stop the fire from spreading from the briefcase. Before I felt like I got myself in control.

Lila: yeah, I was 99% sure that wouldn't work.

Five:  well, I'm glad my pain amuses you.

Lila: you have no idea. It's like my therapy.

Before I could say anything. Alex appeared next to Lila and smacked her behind her head.

Lila: ow!

Alex: stop laughing at my wife.

Lila: good to see you again.

Alex: Sure, Lila.

Alex turned to look at me and started to walk over to me.

Alex: hey my love. Sorry for taking over your body. You're not in any more pain?

Five: I'm good.

Alex smiled and grabbed my chin and kissed me. We could hear Lila pretending to throw up before we pulled away.

Lila: could you two not be so cuddly and soft In front of me, it's giving me nausea.

Alex: well sorry Lila but I don't mind rubbing my relationship status in anyone's face. Anyways, what are you guys doing?

Five: well we were trying to recharge the briefcase, and now we only have one half-dead briefcase, and my jumps are only accurate up to a couple of minutes. So, essentially, we screwed.

Alex: not entirely so my love.

Lila: like Alex said. Maybe... maybe not

Five: oh, I hate that smile.

Lila: listen, on your own, your little jumps are rather pathetic—

Alex: I wouldn't word it that way but okay.

Lila: but if we powered up together, you blinking, me mimicking that blink, and Alex's great power of keeping the box from destroying... I think we could create some kind of feedback loop. And get enough juice to jump-start the case.

Five: the three of us together.

Lila: yes, considering that we both trust Alex.

Alex: and you two have to trust each other for it to work.

I looked at Alex as he looked back at me with concern.

Alex: I can protect the briefcase but my powers could also backfire.

Lila: what do you mean? You like the most powerful being.

Alex: it's complicated, you see I'm on the radar at the moment.

Five: what kind of radar, Alex?

Alex: let's say Dad sent me a gift from hell. And let me tell you, he's not fun at all. And we'll let's just say, no matter where I go, he's there. So... let's get this show on the road.

Five: wait wait, Alex how can you just spill everything at us and then act like it's not a problem?

Alex walked over to me as he looked into my eyes.

Alex: my main priority is to always protect you, from everything.

Lila: oh I feel it coming back up.

Alex: all he wants is me, but I'm asking you to trust Lila for this whole thing. Because I rather you be with someone else and not get hurt by my problems.

Five: you promised that I'll help you with them, Alex.

Alex: I know, I'll tell you everything. And I'll let you be in the mix of my mother and I but for the love of god... please don't help me with him. Got it.

Five: okay.

Lila: it's great that you two love each other but can we get back to the matter at hand?

Five: Lila, look. You just spent the better part of the last ten days trying to end my life.

Lila: you killed my birth parents.

Five: fair enough, but even so, you can't kill me since Alex is on high alert.

Lila jumps off the cart she was sitting on, and she moved away from Alex and I were standing.

Lila: and your entire family stood by while that greasy Swede put a cap on the woman who raised me.

Alex: and here we go.

Five: the handler was going to kill you, Lila. I'm fact, she did kill you. Then I rolled back time and let the meatball do his work.

Alex: he's not wrong. I can show you what went down that day.

Five: oh, and by the way, if you're leading Diego on as payback for what happened in Texas, you're pissing up the wrong ladder there ' 'cause that idiot may love you. The handler never did.

As I grabbed Alex's hand and started to walk away.

Lila: how do you know? You spent decades being shagging by the devil himself who refuses to tell how he feels and what he does!

Alex froze on the spot and that was one way to piss me off. As I let go of Alex's hand I immediately walked up to Lila, without realizing that my eyes were burning bright blue.

Five: Do not talk about Alex like that, Lila!

Lila: this is insane, there is no way we're gonna get past this to make it to the commission.

Five: okay, perhaps we can't get to trust, but there is a certain honesty in white-hot hatred.

Lila looked at Alex and I turned him before he frantically looked up, I don't know if Lila saw it but his eyes showed fear.

Alex: Okay you two, I got no fucking time to deal with this right now so bring over your god-awful shits over here now.

Lila immediately walked over to the door as I look at Alex "What did you say?"

Alex: (sighs) I'm sorry, I'm just over the edge. So can we please go?

Five: okay, but don't yell at me... makes me feel sad.

I spoke quietly, making sure Lila doesn't hear us.

Alex: Okay, I won't. Come on.

As Alex reached his hand out for me to grab. Which I smile happily to, as I closed the door behind us.

Author note: sorry for not updating the book. I got busy but I will continue the book.

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