Chapter 10

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⚠️ warning: mention of sexual content ⚠️

Alex pov

After our heartfelt moment, I knew that five was going to go Viktor later on. I place my arm around five's shoulder, as we continued our conversation.

Five: I'm truly happy for you, Viktor. But last time I checked, you don't speak for this family.

Viktor: okay, we'll, it's fine, okay? Marcus gets it. He doesn't want a war any more than we do.

Diego: what are you talking about? He tried to homicide us!

Alex: well you guys did technically invade their home since we are not technically home.

Diego: who's side are you on, Alex?

Alex: the side that has the brains and logical common sense than charging into a fight every second we meet. It's tiresome even watching it on the side.

Klaus: yeah, and so did Lila, and you had a kid with her.

Diego: that's not the point.

Alex: excuses.

Viktor: we made a deal. He's gonna give back five's briefcase. Then we're gonna get out of the timeline. We're gonna meet later today for the, uh, the handover.

Klaus: oh, thank god!

Alex: why thank him? He has done nothing with any of this.

Diego: that's a rookie move. The dude is playing you.

Viktor; oh, really?

Diego: yeah, but maybe we can use this. And we turn it back on them, and then we wipe them the hell out.

Viktor: Diego, stop, please. And you're not gonna, like, do anything today.

Klaus: expect a bond with your spawn.

Diego; alleged spawn.

Viktor; I will get the briefcase, and then we will all go back and fix the timeline.

Five: hey, we're not going anywhere! This is a perfectly acceptable timeline.

Viktor; yeah, why don't you tell that to Allison who's upstairs grieving her daughter, who doesn't even exist here!

Alex: well for your information Viktor, Claire will exist in this timeline if Allison met her ex-husband. And then remake how they met and then get married and make a spawn. Simple.

Viktor; then why don't you say anything? Or better yet, You could be helping her by bringing her daughter back. You have the power.

I removed my arm From five and then lead closer to Viktor.

Alex: oh believe me if I could. I don't think you have noticed I have vague memories of my devil and angel self. And even if I could get Claire back? I would be breaking angel log 5638021710 which states I will get killed and be removed from heaven but because im already there it's a matter of time before my father will take me and either kill me or torment me.

Diego: forget your daddy issues Alex, we've been replaced but a bunch of blobs and cubes and birds and shit!

Five: news flash, geniuses! It's not about us! Take a look around. If you hadn't noticed, there's no doomsday. There's no apocalypse. The sun is shining. Birds are doing whatever the hell birds do. That's all that matters. We're done messing with time. And I'm officially retired.

Alex: (under his breath) sure we are.

Klaus: is he wearing aftershave? I'm concerned.

Five and I rolled our eyes but, he wasn't wrong though.

Five: now if you all excuse us...

As five grabs my arm.

Five: Alex and I are going to create our spawn.

Fives smiles happily.

Alex: wait now! But-

Five: yes now, and we have all the time we can get. So let's start now, So let's go.

As five drags me away from everyone from the table.

Alex: w-wait but I got stuff to do! Babe!

Five: yeah making a spawn with me now let's go.

As we walked away I heard Klaus yelling.


I blushed as I was pushed into the elevator. As the doors closed in.

Five: so how are you feeling?

Alex: In all honesty, scared for my life. I think I'll have another chance to be a dad "again".

Five: well now, that we are officially retired.

Alex: I don't get those. I'm the fallen angel until I die.

Five laughs softly before coming closer to me.

Five: either way, I want to have a baby. I think I'm ready for one and besides. Back in the first apocalypse, We were old and had so many fake babies back then. I want a real one.

Alex: is that what you want?

As I leaned closer to five.

Five: more than anything.

I smiled as I picked him up in a bridle position as the doors opened to our room.

Alex: then don't complain about how long we're doing it then.

Five: then do your worst.

I smirked before I walked over to our bedroom and throw him on the bed.

Alex: okay but I'm letting you know that we are not stopping until we're hungry and or bathroom breaks... and or safe word

I saw five swallow his saliva before smirking.

Five: deal.

I smirked before I pushed him into the bed and started to kiss him as he let out our soft moans. As we both slowly take our clothes off not pulling away and I knew that this was only the beginning of many rounds to come.

A time skip of 6 hours

4th pov

At the sparrow academy, the glowing energy was growing bigger as grace returned to the basement. Causing more things to disappear, as Grace continues her ritual. Back in the hotel in room 105, Alex's mother, Enurynome was peacefully writing her thoughts on paper, a bright light from the sun shines behind her as she hears a piece of paper fall behind her on the floor. She gets up and carefully picks it up and reads the front letter. She remembers the writing as she opens the letter wondering what her "husband" wanted from her. As she reads the paper her eyes widen, as she processes the information. She drops the paper and hurried out the door. As she drops the letter on the ground.

"Dear my beloved, I apologize for sending you to hell along with our son Lucifer. But I'm here to tell you that our son must read the book to protect his family. I'm telling you this because I know my son does not want me to speak to him. So please my dear if you love your son. You know it's the right thing to do to regain his true self. To understand his purpose in this world. I know he will try and find the place he left off before bringing him back to hell. 
To:my beloved Enurynome.
From: your husband
May god be with you."

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