Chapter 1

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Seoul Korea, October 1, 1989

Two young love birds, acting like children in love as they played around the train when the two shared a long kiss. The young girl felt something strange as her lover asked if she was okay. The girls nodded before a sudden pain in her stomach struck. The girl fell to the floor as her stomach began to grow. Everyone around her panicked as the mother came running to her side as the girl was now pregnant and was ready to give birth. As two random women held the girl's hand, the mother help deliver the baby as the boyfriend stood next to her. As she gave birth to the baby. Even though she and many others weren't pregnant, to begin with. Sir Reginald set himself to find those children that were born on October 1. He went to Seoul, to ask the girl how much money she wanted for the baby. The grandmother took out her cooking knife and told Reginald that she would cut him if he touched the child as he didn't take it seriously. Next thing you know sir Reginald adopted 7 children. Years passed as the seven children known as the spare academy faces plaster on every build board in New York. The kids were now men and women. Training to save the world, like superheroes. As Marcus (number 1 ) was doing push-ups by hand standing before he backed flips and whipped off the sweat from his body. As Fei (number 3) was climbing a wall as the crow landed on her arm she listen to the what crow had to say. The crow flies away as she continues to climb a Rocky Mountain. As Ben, (number 2) was out partying with Christopher (number 7). As Jayme (number 6) beat up two racist guys, at the pizza shop. And Alphonso (number 4) walked in and took the pizzas. As the two walked away. And finally, Sloane (number 5) was reading a book on the wall before she landed on the floor and headed out the door when the alarm went off. All the siblings walked out into the living room as they heard voices. As they walked in they stood behind the random stranger in their home as Ben walked up to them.

Ben: dad who the hell are these assholes.

Klaus: Ben.

As Luther walks up in front of his siblings.

Luther: is it you.


Reginald: those are the sparrows. My children.

The room started to shake as they stand there in awkward silence. The strange energy was coming from the basement of the sparrow academy. The entertainment soon became a shining ball of red light.

Five: I'm sorry, what do you mean, your children? That's not possible, old man.

Reginald: of course it is! I think I'd know, wouldn't I?

Klaus: everybody else can see Ben, right?

Ben: cute hat, Sundance.

Reginald; they call themselves the umbrella academy, a group of scheming perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963 when I was away on business in Dallas.

As fives eyes were caught by the suitcase.

Reginald: be warned, they claim to be my spawn.

Allison; claim? Look, five, what the hell is going on?

Five: I don't know yet, but it's concerning.

Marcus: is he telling the truth?

Vanya: not the part about being perfidious.

Klaus: no, we're amateur-fidious, at best.

Vanya: but we are his children. This is our house.

Luther: Yeah, yeah. We, uh... grew up here.

Alphonso: "yeah, we grew up here." (Mocking)

Sloane: I kind of thing we would have noticed you.

Luther: hi. I'm Luther.

Allison; okay. None of you belong here.

Fei: oh well then, I guess we'll just pack our bags and move out.

Christopher starts talking as he stops the sparrows and started laughing.

Ben: you slay me, Chris.

Grace walks in with some food as she began to speak.

Grace:  wasn't expecting company. This is the best I could do on short- (robot voice) short... short notice.

Diego: mom.

Jayme: Mom? She's a robot, you perv.

Diego: it's not a robot.

Luther: hey, don't you call him that.

Ben: or what?

Luther: come closer and find out.

Vanya: Luther! Guys chill!

Ben: think I'm afraid?

Marcus: stand down? Ben.

Luther: look at that! She got a voice!

Jayme started to use her powers.

Diego: how about I hide the big Rubik's cube up your ass.

Marcus; enough!

As Jayme spits her spit like venom on Diego but when it hit him, he touched the black substance, and it went up in flames that didn't hurt him. As Jayme's eyes widen.

Marcus: I don't know what circus you escaped from or how you got past our security l, but we're done here.

Diego watched the flame go away as he looked up to see Jayme who was shocked. Diego had an idea about who helped him.

Marcus: you got 30 seconds to get out of our house.

Allison: and if we don't?

Marcus: then we'll have to settle this the old-fashioned way.

Luther: agreed.

As they all broke down dancing, they all didn't notice the cloaked person watching them dance.  Which was Diego hallucinating, as they continue talking a fight broke. As all the siblings started fighting. Luther and Klaus were thrown to the couch but didn't feel pain. As Reginald left the room. As Luther fought Marcus. As five and Ben were fighting each other, five didn't feel a thing with his devil powers. As for Ben, he kept his pain inside and continues to fight. Before he hugged five to stop punching him, five teleports.

Five: you're alive. That's... great. Or possibly horrible. I'm not sure yet.

Ben: Okay, is that some kind of wired smack talk?

Five: it's more of an existential, really, Ben.

Ben: awesome. Well, here's your next problem.

As Ben uses his tentacles five jump away. Before five jumps on the balcony.

Five: you know, even though you're a total asshat now...

As Ben tries hitting him again, five teleports behind him and punches him unconscious.

Five: it's nice to see you again. After a while, five and Allison were on the balcony when Jayme walked in. Five sent Allison to help the rest as he fought Jayme. Jayme used her powers but a blue force field protected five as five smirks.

Five: first off disgusting, second of that was a poor attempt.

Jayme: how did you?

Five: I have my ways, let me show you one.

As five eyes turned a bright blue color with flames, he made a portal underneath Jayme. Which she fell to, as five smirks.

Five: nice try sweetheart but I got a few tricks up my sleeve. Before five felt sudden energy rush to his body. As he smiles happily.

Five: took you long enough.

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