Chapter 17

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Alex pov;

Well, we finally arrived and well... it's a ball of twine.

Klaus: well, I don't know why, but I thought it'd be a lot bigger.

Alex: honestly, me too. I read about the ball of twine in a human book... well it's a lot disappointing in person.

Five: seems pretty big to me.

Klaus: ahh.

Five: here's the real question. How do you know your birth northern is in Pennsylvania?

Alex: don't look at me.

Klaus: well, because I was on the ass end of a two-week bender, and I can't tell you the exact date because we were booting Xanax and the whole business. But Amy's wine house was at the top of the charts. So that puts us somewhere, where? In the mind too late laughs?
I helped myself into dads office, looking for the key to the safe cause he had pogo lock up all the stealable. But instead, I found a treasure trove of our family history told in expired check stubs. Rachel Hershberger.  I was too messed up too, uh, do anything about it, too scared to look her up. But always in the back of my mind, I wondered why she sold me off for three grand. I mean, come on, she couldn't have held out for five? Six?

Five: you see anything about my mother?

Klaus: no, sorry. But we have all of our answers, right in front of us.

As the two looked at me. I looked at them back as I turned to look at the ball in front of me.

Five: why now?

Klaus: well, duh. Dad disowns us. Grace isn't Grace. Ben.. gone. And we have the devil walking on the earth with his goddess mother. Now just felt like as good a time as any to find out who I could've been if I didn't grow up in this stupid family.

Five: well, can you call what we had as a family?

Klaus: no. It's more like a—

Five: institute for snarky delinquents. And not a good one at that.

Klaus: but what is family? What is it?  It's like some kind of giant... a ball of twine that can never be untangled.

Five: a giant ball of obligation I've been pushing uphill my entire life.

Alex: mmh... I don't know what you guys are blabbering about family. But at least you guys had each other for a while. At least you guys could be what you want to be even if you don't succeed... Your life wasn't written for you... like mine was. Something that I can never change.

As I hear screaming voices of agony and fear. Me screaming at my mom, and dad to let me free from the darkness that consumed me. But they didn't hear me, well except for five.

Klaus: and the older you get, the bigger it gets.  And the more you try and untangle it...

Five: you watch it roll down the hill...

Both: and what's the point?

Klaus: hey, I'm glad you came along. You're a good brother. And you too Alex! I'm glad you kept five safe and happy for so long. You are a good stepbrother and I know your gonna be a great dad... you as well five.

Five didn't say anything so I did.

Alex: thanks... Um... you are a good... stepbrother...

Klaus: all right, all right. Five, you say nice things about me now.

Five couldn't do it so he grabbed my hand, as we headed to the car.

Five: let's go find your stupid mother.

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