Chapter 26

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3rd pov
A man grabbed his lighter and lit all the candles around him, as he then grabbed a bucket of blood, as he makes a pentagram. As he sits at the end of the circle, he spoke softly. Changing the words for his savior. The candles flicker as the pentagram lights up in flames a boy stood there in the middle as he looks around to a familiar room. 

Alex pov

Alex: Nick? I thought we just finished talking about using the portal for useless contact of what you should be doing.

Nick: I know but this isn't for me.

Alex: then who is it for?

"For me"

I turned around to see Allison walk in, along with Viktor.

Alex: what do you two want?

Allison: we want to go home.

Viktor: yeah, we need to go back before it's too late.

Alex: really? That's all you want because Allison wants to go home. More than you Viktor.

Viktor shift uncomfortably as I turned to look at Allison.

Alex: as much as I want to, I can't do that until I get my mom to another universe before I take anyone back "home".

Allison; what the hell, she was never in your life Alex. Why is she the priority of taking us back home?

Alex: Okay one, you sound like a bratty little girl, and second I would have to use a lot of my power to even do that. And three clearly I just don't want to do it.

Viktor: what do you mean, you don't want to? Alex, we have to go back.

Alex: I don't know, do I want to take commands from immortals? Or do I want to deal with a woman who disrespects my wife/husband? Mmh it's kinda hard to choose.

I smiled before I moved my hand to erase the paint and blow out the candles.

Alex: now if you'll excuse me, I got other things to be doing.

Allison: hey don't walk away.

Alex: why not? I'm already gone.

As I teleported away from Allison, I walked over to the shower where five would be but then I felt light-headed before I slowly started to sway. As I was about to make it to five, I saw a figure with a hood.

God damn it death.

Alex dream pov

  (dirt piling sounds)

"Sir, are you sure this is reasonable? Butting your son underground?"

"My son is stronger than what you think."

"But sir, you son—"

"Death, you're up.."

"As you wish, but let me remind you, I'm only doing this for your hijo, not you."

(As death jumps and turns into a cloud of smoke that is shaped like a wolf, before emerging down to Samuel. Who was buried underneath the earth.)

"Samuel ... Samuel, wake up Samuel. No te secondes... I can smell your fear... I know your mind is wondering."

(Death hears Samuel's heartbeat louder as he got closer before he could see him looking around before they both make eye contact.)

"Found you"

(wolf attack sound)

Alex pov

I gasped in fear as I felt my heart beat quickly, as I looked around to see if death was around. Before I got up from the floor and walked into the shower, where Five and Lila would be.

Five pov

As I was about to open the door, I heard someone coming from the corner. I turned to see Alex with brown hair.

Five: hey babe, what's with the hair?

Alex looked confused but just shrug.

Alex: combining books and powers. Anyways, I decided to come with you, I'll be your backup.

Five: okay, then let's get this over with.

As we open the door, Lila was shaving.

Five: what the hell are you doing in here?

Lila: shaving my nest, you little pervs.

Five: don't flatter yourself, Lila. I like my men a little less likely to kill in my sleep.

Alex: or just fucking them in their sleep.

As he smirked while I smacked his chest.

Lila: gross, but here we are learning so much about each other

Five: Mm.

As Lila threw a knife at me I blinked away, while Alex moved to his shoulder, not getting hit. Lila blinks behind me and attacks me. As I looked at Alex from the corner of my eye, I could tell he was watching us fight but then I remembered about Lila being naked.

Five: cover your eyes, Alex!

Which he did.

Alex pov

Once I covered my eye for fives shake, the two continue to fight, until I hear the five I peeked to see five holding on to a metal tray, while Lila was trying to stab through.

Five: love, a little help.

I laughed as I moved my hand back to cover my eyes again, as the two were about to continue I moved my hand to make them freeze in their spot I moved a towel to Lila, to cover her, as I moved to the bathtub and sat down, as I remove my hands from my eye. Before bringing them back to normal.

Lila: I'd forgotten how much I hate you, you punny little turd.

Five then walked over and sat on my lap.

Five: the feelings are mutual, Lila. As much as I'd love to stand here and shivving each other, I have bigger concerns than you.

Lila: yeah? Like what?

Five: what do you know about the grandfather paradox?

Lila: well, I read the same training manuals as you did. Why?

Five: cause it's happening.

Lila: you being stupid?

Five: hand over your briefcase. I need to go to Herb and find out how he let things get so cocked up.

Lila: over there with my knickers. Toss them to me, will you?

Five: Alex.

I rolled my eyes as I walked over and pass five of her knickers. Then moved her clothes to see two.

Alex: Lila, why is it that you have two briefcases?

Lila: mmh, ones yours, nicked it from the sparrows. Go on, give it a go. First, we try yours.

As five opens it and the battery is dead.

Lila: and then we try mine. Yeah.

As the Lila briefcase does the same thing.

Five: this can't be happening. The odds of one of them falling it's in the millions. But two of them...

Lila: astronomical. Yeah. So, what does that mean exactly? End of the world!

Five: oh, it's much worse than that.

Alex: might as well be the end of the world.

Five: it means you and I, plus Alex, Are gonna have to work together.

Lila: shit.

The time to reset ; falling angel book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora