Chapter 18

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3rd pov

Alex: from what?

"Samuel:" the Mates prophecy ."

End of dream~

As Alex opens his eyes, his eyes turned bright red, before blinked his eyes as he sits up and looks out the window as they parked near a field of cows on the left and grass on the left. Alex look forward to seeing that five and Klaus were watching the road. Alex took out his book and he looked at the pages, he used his index finger and made an invisible circle, and the book started to glow a dark red as the pages turned black and the words red. Alex then closed the book, as the cover title was kept the same. Alex wondered if the book was originally called the dark hold, which wasn't a good time to question. All he knew was that he had to find the other books back in the hotel. Then deal with his mother about his past. Alex doesn't remember that he could see visions of his past. Only nightmares but then again, no one ever stops evolving, even if they wanted to. Alex read some spells, as they made a stop where Klaus's mother lived.

Alex pov

As we got out, we looked around before five decided to speak.

Five: son of a bitch! Klaus is Amish.

Klaus: this explains everything.

A group of Amish girls walked passed the three of us and giggled as they all looked at me. I smiled before they started to giggle their way to a building. Five nudge my side as he glare at me. I raised my hands as Klaus walks closer to us.

Five: how does this explain anything?

Klaus: because look! Look at this place! This is everything my childhood was missing.

As we walked closer, five and I looked at each other before five walked over to Klaus as I was right behind him.

Five: hey, uh, Klaus?

Klaus: yeah?

Five: wait up a minute. Doppelgänger check. Do you feel anything strange? Uh, itching, sweats, gas, anything like that?

As five held Klaus's wrist.

Klaus: no. No, I feel great. Apart from the old rash on the tackle, what can you do?

As Klaus starts to walk away.

Alex: all right, good luck.

Klaus immediately stops and looked at us.

Klaus: what? Wait, you guys aren't coming?

Five: this one you gotta do alone.

Klaus sighs, As I smiled.

Klaus: alone.

Alex: well you know we have your back Klaus, so if you need anything. Yell for us, kid.

Klaus: yeah okay, I can do that... sure.

As Klaus walks away, five and I went back to the car we both sat back in the car. As five was looking at the map, I was laying on his lap, as I secretly wanted to read the book of spells.

Five: so, what's up with you?

Alex: excuse me?

As five places the map away, To look at me.

Five: one second you had black hair, now it's somewhat red, and When you came in the car, you looked pissed off and betrayed. Now you have this look like you've been trying to hide something from me. Like a certain red book.

My eyes widen as I sat up and look at five.

Five: don't think I haven't noticed when you first tried to hide it from me earlier, And in the car not too long ago. Now spill.

I sighed before I moved my hair back.

Alex: so about, say 1204873728 d.c ago, I came here to do a mission. And not like commissioner work, it was more doing my dad bad biting. So I used to walk around the earth for a while until my dad sent me to collect sinners around the world... so I was given the red book of a list of people, but he also gave me a book called the devil's destruction.

As I made the book appear, I showed it to five. But the letter changed into symbols again.

Alex: I'm the only one who can read it, while everyone else can't.

Five: so your dad gave you a book so you could collect sinners around the planet?

Alex: well that was his previous plan.

Five: tell me, Alex.

I looked into his eyes before looking away in guilt. If he knew I was going to destroy the planet, he would hate me.

Alex: if I told you, you would hate me.

I felt five grab my face to look at him.

Five: I can't ever hate you. Sure you tick me off when someone else flirts with you but you've been a loyal person. And now we're expecting a little one. So don't assume that I hate you.

Alex: I know...

Five: but back to you.

Alex: so I been reading the book and well, I started to remember what I did.

Five: well?

Alex: I killed a whole town, killing them with a synth, and burned them, along with their town too.

Five: shit.

Alex: that's the start, I had a dream that my mom and my dad had both agreed to turn me to the devil... it was a lab that my dad had created to make his humans and such... I saw myself and well he told me that there were more books, so I assumed that theirs two books left but I know that I would trick myself so they were probably hidden in the library of the angels. Like a dream vision, I guess.

Five: so, when you went to talk to your mother?

Alex: she told me she had nothing to do with dad turning me into the devil. But she had a look of fear in her eyes. The synth I have could kill many angels and devils with one hit. I think she was scared I would hurt her... guess she lied to me right in my face too.

Five: I'm sorry about your mom Alex.

Alex: it wasn't your fault... but one more thing.

Five: yes?

Alex: my real name is Samuel. The other names were people who called me to get in my head that I would always be the cause of evil.

Five: Samuel... so you liked to be called Alex, but you were named Lucifer by humans who wrote the Bible, and the real name that your parents gave you is Samuel.

Alex: pretty much.

As I felt five lips on mine, as I immediately kissed back.

Five: I can't leave you for five minutes, and you're already looking for answers. And spilling out your feelings.

Alex: what can I say? I evolved to be a good man.

We both decided to cuddle as five and started to sing. I hum quietly as I held him in my arms, and traced my hand on his flower sprout tattoo. When the third wave, spoked us as we looked out to see the cows were gone. Five and I looked at each other before stepping out of the car.

Five: one day, can't I get a fucking break.

While I turned to look at him since it would be the best time to tell him the truth.

Alex: five, I need to tell you why I killed the town.

Five: now?! You have perfect timing babe.

Alex: five, you don't understand I was sent here to destroy this planet because my father wasn't pleased with it and I created a ball of energy that would burst every few hours. And it only activated when I step foot on this planet. So basically what I'm saying is that we're screwed and the world is in danger again.

Five: shit!

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