Chapter 15

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Alex pov:
As I was about to fly to five, I decided to fly around and then felt like stopping by, the sparrow academy. as I watched Luther eating breakfast with them. I decided to step in I turned myself invisible as I watch them introduce themselves. Before they start talking about number 1 Marcus. As Luther told them about bringing Marcus back but Ben had other things planned.  As Luther tells them his family will look for him but dad to says they aren't.

Ben: make yourself at home.

As Ben got up from the table and grabs an orange and then turns back to Luther.

Ben: oh and uh... before I forget, if you try to escape,  Fei's birds will peck your eyes out and make a nest inside your skull.

As Luther looks at Fei, she chuckles but that draws the line and since he is my family I decided to make myself Seen. I control the bird to fly over to me as Ben noticed something wrong with Fei. Before she could talk, I grabbed the bird and lit it up in flames. As everyone turned to look at the burning bird as I made my presence.

Alex: I wouldn't make that threat Ben.

As everyone looked at me including Luther.

Ben: you.

Alex: me. Anyways I see you have number 1, which seems like a bad choice.

Luther: see Alex knows they're coming.

Alex: whatever lets you sleep at night.

Ben: what brings you here, Lucifer?

Alex: nothing, just wondering why you have Luther hostage, and threatening him about making a bird's nest with his head.

Ben: is he yours?

Alex: god no, but I don't think you have the right person to be held hostage.

Ben: what do you mean?

Alex: well who would know if Marcus could be alive or dead? The devil himself, I know all so have fun but I got to do another thing so Luther sees you later dude, stay safe.

Luther: Alex wait!

But I was already gone as the bird ash dropped on the ground. I went back to the hotel as I felt Viktor's feelings. I use to have tabs on him because of his powers but that doesn't mean I don't check so I teleported to their room and I knocked on the door. Viktor opened the door as I stepped in.

Alex: sorry for the intrusion, I've heard a step-sister of mine is hurt.

I knew that Allison would miss Claire since Viktor said something.

Allison: Alex... we need to get fives' briefcase back so we can go home. So I can see Claire again. Please.

Alex: easy said than done Allison, we need to meet their standards. But it's not that easy with the dumbass birds.

I heard her giggle a bit before I thought of the consequences of recreating someone who doesn't exist but I'm already going down for going against dad so might as well do it.

Alex: well if you don't get the briefcase and things do go south, there is another way to see Claire again.

Allison; really?

Viktor; but Alex you said.

Alex: I know what I said but I changed my mind, but it has to be the last resort. I'm already digging my grave by staying here and being with you guys but for the love of the devil just listen to what I have to say next.

Allison: Okay.

Alex: I can recreate Claire the way she was but there are consequences and the consequences are permanent.

Viktor; I'm having second thoughts about that plan.

Alex: it's not your decision to make Viktor, it's hers.

Allison: tell me. I'll be okay.

Alex: well, You have to accept my deal. If I bring Claire back you will have to keep your end of the deal. Like let's say I make you eat a bug And you get to keep Claire alive.

Allison: and Ray?

Alex: then that's a bigger problem since I'm using a lot of magic but the same thing though. But If you don't comply with the deal, I'll have your soul and keep torturing you until I get bored and I'll destroy them both right in front of you for breaking the deal.

Viktor/Allison: WHAT!

Alex: well I am still the devil guys, I still have rules for that. You're making a deal with the devil but because we are family, it's not as harsh as It seems but that's because I can bend the rules for your sake. Now being said it has to be the last resort, Allison. If not your going to face me alone and no one can help you. Not even your siblings can help.

As I started to walk to the door.

Alex: let's keep one thing clear even if I bend the rules doesn't mean I won't hold back so be careful what you wish for. Because making a deal with the devil, can only make your life worse than it is. So please think about it, I don't want to hurt you because of this.

As I walked out and headed out of the building as I flew to my previous destination. Who knew playing the devil could be so fun?

Five pov

The drive was bearable without Alex, but Klaus hasn't done or said anything to infuriate me at the moment so it's going great.

Five: this isn't so terrible.

Klaus: see? Told you.

Five: come to think of it, my whole life I've been under the gun. The mission for Dad, working for the Commission, trying to survive the apocalypse, and helping Alex with his identity crisis. I was always looking around every corner, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's nice to just breathe.

Klaus: good for you, man. Retirement is suiting you.

Five: yeah and now I and Alex are expecting someone on the way.

Klaus looked at me and then back on the road.

Klaus: are you?

Five: no signs yet but we'll have to wait and see... oh! Uh.. all right. So, I've circled all the roadside attractions along the way.

Klaus: I'm not sure we're gonna have time...

Five: we have the Brownsville Big Nickel. Oh, Ricky's bakery has award-winning pies. Do you think Alex would like pie, I haven't seen him eat anything other than human.

Klaus: well if you just let me explain...

Five: or there's this cow henge. That's it—don't—

Klaus: alright listen to me. Just shut up for two seconds, okay? Just two seconds? All right?

Five: Okay, I'm all ears.

Klaus: we are going to Pennsylvania to find my birth mother. Yay!

Five: excuse me?

Why can't I have a normal day, maybe I should have seduced my way to go with Alex and his mother instead.

Arthur notes; sorry for not updating, I've been working at my new job and have been trying to rest on my days off but ill try to update, and sorry if it's confusing so let me know so I can fix 🔧 it, thanks and have a wonderful day/night/evening 🌙

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