Chapter 2: Paving the Road

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?: Come on! Let's get it started already!

LEGOBRICK13: Yeesh! Calm down a bit Riley!

Riley: No! You know what you got yourself into when you started this, so you should know I won't let you just sit around! You based my blunt and sarcastic nature off of your own after all!

LEGOBRICK13: *looks at Riley with a flat look* You're just mad that I had to revert you back to a Riolu again.

Riley: Of course, I'm mad at you for that!

?: He does have a point, Riley. It won't fit the narrative if he didn't do it.

Riley: *sulks* I know. I admit that it makes sense, but it's not exactly fun to deal with this.

LEGOBRICK13: Tell ya what, why don't you ask the readers a question?

Riley: Okay then. *looks to the readers* I've got a question for you guys. I know it probably won't be hard to answer, but I wonder if you can guess all the characters LEGO was referring to from last time. You probably recognized a few familiar faces. As for an actual question...what is the origin of my name? That ought to be a simple one that a lot of you guys have probably already figured out by now.

LEGOBRICK13: I'm glad those of you so far are liking the story, I really did decide to pull a Thanos about half a year ago to finally put a story like this out there (my notes from that introductory part weren't a lie). And with that out of the way, let's get on to the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon or Kung Fu Panda, nor do I own any art used. Any OC's however, are mine unless stated otherwise.


Chapter 2: Paving the Road

Far away in the snowy mountains of Mongolia, Zeng the palace goose is approaching the fearsome Chor-Gom Prison. A rhino guard watches as Zeng flies past him, tired from the journey. With a cry, he crash-lands on the ground outside the entrance doors, clutching a scroll. In an instant, two rhino guards thrust their spears in his face.

"Wait, wait, wait wait! I bring a message! From Master Shifu!" Zeng hastily informs, causing the rhinos relax slightly.

The enormous entrance doors are opened. Minutes later, the warden is standing in front of the frightened Zeng, reading the scroll. What he reads enrages him.

"WHAT?! 'Double the guard? Extra precautions? Your prison may not be adequate?'" The warden slams the scroll shut and glares down at the quaking Zeng. The guards behind the goose grip their weapons, equally outraged, and stare daggers at him. "You doubt my prison's security?"

"Absolutely not. Shifu does. I'm just the messenger." Zeng gulps, clearly intimidated by the larger warden.

"I'll give you a message for your Master Shifu." The warden says angrily, as he proceeds to lead Zeng along the bridge across from the doors. "Escape from Chorh-Gom Prison is impossible!"

Zeng looks in awe around the cavernous prison. He then looks over the side of the bridge into the dark and seemingly-bottomless abyss. The warden suddenly slaps Zeng on the back, startling him and knocking a feather from his body, which floats down from the bridge.

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