Before we get started

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Hello everyone! I'd like to introduce you all to this idea I had brewing in my head for a while. One day I was reading a story on the site involving Kung Fu Panda and I thought: "Hey! What if Pokémon existed in the Kung Fu Panda world? And what kind of effect would having a Pokémon like, I dunno, a Lucario have in the world of Kung Fu Panda?"

I'll be honest: I was surprised to find there weren't many instances of a story like this. I had thought that, with the numerous Fighting types in Pokémon, that this idea would've been a shoe-in for many stories. Imagine my disappointment when I found so few stories of this concept (both here and on the other sites too). So, after I read the story that inspired me to make this (shoutout to OkamiSamurai and their story: "Kung Fu Wolf" on fanfiction dot net; by the way), I decided to try my own hand at writing a story.

Fair warning though: this was my first time publishing a story (and this is my first time writing on this website, still trying to understand the ins and outs). I'm not exactly the best at writing, and I was rather nervous about publishing an idea of mine for the first time, but I've had some positive thoughts from this on the other website so I thought I'd finally cross-post it here! This will be my rendition for the events of the first movie, but the other movies may take a bit (it took me a while of on and off writing of this story whenever I got on a roll of motivation). There'll likely be some slight changes to some grammar and whatnot throughout, but it's relatively the same as the one I have posted on fanfiction dot net.

In any case, I hope you enjoy the story!

Aura of the Dragon (Riolu x Kung Fu Panda)Where stories live. Discover now