The Allyway

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Queen Charlotte was in her carriage on her way back to Buckingham house after a long day of being queen she was ready to get a hot bath and rest in her bed chambers and wait for the anxious news about her husband the king and finally see if he passed. Looking out the carriage she sees a young girl in a alley way, crying. She has long, luscious curly red hair that falls just right down her back and is wearing the most hideous yellow dress she has ever seen. Charlotte wants to keep on going but seeing a crying child alone pulls at her heart strings and she orders the carriage to a stop. When the footmen opens the door she is about to walk up to the poor child and ask what's wrong but before she could, Brimsly stops her.
" your  majesty, why has the carriage stoped is there something the matter or gone wrong"
Aah brimsly her loyal companion since she became queen. Always by her side if she needs anything and always knows her better than she knows herself. She was so lucky to have him by her side but she also remembers that if he is always by her side he doesn't have a family.
" yes Brimsly everything is fine, but there is a poor child in that ally that could be hurt and is crying. I'm going to see what the matter is as she is my subject it is my right to make sure they are all safe and cared for" before he could say anything she was already walking up to the girl.
" my child why are you crying" the young girl looked up and gasped at who was in front of her. She quickly stood up and bowed wiping the tears falling down her cheeks.
"Your majesty" she said and looked down embarrassed. She had been hoping being in the alley way would make sure that she had completed privacy and that no would find her but alas she had been found by no other than the queen of England herself.
" no need to bow my child, I will ask again why are you crying" Charlotte repeated the question. She had no idea why this child was pulling at her hearts strings probably because she was a mother and if her children were crying in an alley way she would want to know what happened and why she was crying.
"I'm so sorry your majesty it's just erm the love of my life has once again not realised I'm in love with him and I can't take it anymore. My mama has kicked me out because I have not yet produced a husband for the featherington line so that she can have heirs, I mean all she cares about anyway is my sisters prudence and Phillipa and getting them husbands whilst she sits there and parades us all about in front of everyone wearing theses outrageous and downright horrible dresses and than ridicules me for how I look." She finally got that off her chest, she had wanted to be say that for years but than she once again realised she was in front of the queen.
"I'm sorry your majesty I was rambling"
" there's nothing to be sorry about dear child. You mentioned the featherington line does that mean by any chance you are the youngest featherington daughter."
"Yes your majesty my name is Penelope featherington, youngest daughter to Portia and Archibald featherington."
"Yes I remember you, your friends with the bridgeton's. Why have you not gone to them with your troubles"
"Because your majesty I don't want to burden them" Penelope didn't want to put her troubles on her dearest friends and the love of her life but finally talking about it felt good.
"I see well than child since you have no where to go I hear by invite you to come with me to Buckingham house where we will talk some more." Before she could reject the idea, the queen offered her hand to her. Penelope excepted the hand and together they walked back to the carriage

When they reached the carriage, Brimsly had already got the door open and a footman waiting to help the queen inside. Once the queen was sat comfortably she nodded to the footman to help Penelope into the carriage. When she had settled comfortably the queen ordered the carriage to make haste to Buckingham house.
After a long carriage ride,they finally pull up to Buckingham house. The footman rush to open the door for the queen and than helps Penelope out. They quietly and quickly walk up the steps and into the entrance to the house where there is a maid waiting.
"Anna please take miss Featherington to the nearest guest room and help her get cleaned, dry and dressed before she is to meet me in the tea room" the maid nodded and bowed. She turned to Penelope.
"Penelope go with Anne and get ready and than we will sit and chat" with that she walked off taking Brismly with her.

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