34 | What Could Have Been

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OLLIE SLOWLY PEELED THE COVERS OFF HIM, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He had found trouble sleeping, struggling with the strained tension he felt once he had emerged out of the room yesterday to find Robin and Joe gone, failing to return.

It was 9 a.m. now, and he had to sit down and focus to prepare for his residency interview at Welford Hospital next week. He had locked himself in the attic till 2 a.m. trying to concentrate and get his mind off recent events, but his worrying proved distracting, and he had decided to sleep it off.

He dragged his body out of the room, brows pulling together at the sight of Finn sitting on the kitchen window frame. He blinked, thinking he was still half-asleep, but when it dawned on him that it was real, he took deliberate steps to reach him.

At the sound of his shifting, the latter tore his eyes away from the laptop on his lap.

"Oh hey," he greeted, a small smile on his lips. One of his legs was bent so he could rest the laptop on his thigh, while the other dangled inside. Ollie wondered how he was able to look relaxed in such an uncomfortable position to begin with. Finn caught his questioning look and shrugged sheepishly. "I found I have better service here," he lamely explained.

"Oh..." He nodded, catching sight of the discarded mug on top of a stool he put close to him. He scrunched his nose when he saw the cereal swimming inside the coffee. "Is that your breakfast?" He asked and Finn absently hummed, already back to his task and typing at his keyboard.

Ollie didn't want to further bother him with the oddity of the entire scene, so he walked over to pour himself a mug. He still had his laptop on the table, and he moved to sit on the couch, skimming over his notes in silence.

It could have been less than half an hour of peacefulness until it was broken by Jeremy's loud yawn, followed by Lizzie's low grumbling as she strode straight to the coffee pot.

"Is it still hot?" She asked without preamble.

"No," Ollie answered distractedly.

She poured what was left of it into a mug anyway, knowing it was tepid. Jeremy scrunched his nose in distaste, waiting for her to move so he could prepare a fresh new pot. She pushed her way out of the crowded kitchen, flopping down on the seat beside Ollie with her legs tucked under her thighs. Jeremy hummed a tune to himself as he worked, while Finn sipped the remainder of his breakfast, eyes glued to the screen-

Until he caught something dark in his periphery.

"Oh... oh shit." He steadily placed the mug back down, slowly pulling his body off the ledge. Ollie's ears perked at the sound of the panic in his voice.

"What?" Jeremy tipped his chin up, eyes alert.

"Oh shit." Finn stuck his body to the wall, laptop hugged to his chest.

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