26 | Tearing Open Wounds

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tw: graphic mention of medical process.


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"What the fuck happened?" She hopped off the sill and took quick strides to reach them.

Robin's mouth opened but no words came out. Her body felt heavy and limp against Ollie's; the overwhelming revelations made her nerves ripple. Her eyes were still on Kaden, but her vision was blurring. She could see the state of shock he was in, she could see the confusion and heavy emotions in his eyes - but she couldn't process it.

Slowly, the thrash of emotions started to subdue into a faint thrum. Her mind felt blank, Ollie's voice beside her as he explained becoming nothing but white noise. She acknowledged the fact that she was here, that they were in the living of the abandoned house they used to hide in, that it was all coming back to her; the past, the pain, the pain, the trauma - but she felt suddenly numb, dissociating completely from her body.

"We need a sterile spot," Ollie rushed when he felt her body become heavier. Joe was quick to catch Robin's free hand, pulling her up straighter.

"Kaden's room," she didn't miss a beat. Kaden blinked, pulling himself back into focus.

"I just cleaned the bathroom," he answered, his body growing tense as he inspected the blood around her thigh.

Joe rolled her eyes. "It's just blood Kaden."

He shot her a look, eyes fueled with irritation. "I meant it's clean."


He led the way, Ollie and Joe dragging Robin after him with Lizzie and Christina right behind them. He shoved the door wide open and pulled back so they could push their way inside.

"Robin," Ollie began, snapping her back into focus at the sound of her name coming from him. "Can you do it?" He worried.

Slowly, she untangled herself from both of them, standing upright. She looked down at her hands; soaked with blood and caked with dirt. She curled her fingers and twisted her wrists when she noticed the slight tremor. Come back. Focus. She had no choice.

"Yes." She nodded. And it was fast paced from there.

"I have the bag," Lizzie reminded. Ollie and Joe both got out to let her in, and she dropped it by Robin's feet.

"I'll look for antibiotics," Ollie rushed, turning around to head for the cabinets. He didn't know how sterile the environment was - they needed to prevent an infection from happening.

"Your pants are ruined, I'll look for a change." Joe was quick on her feet, leaving the room to head for hers.

Robin was left alone in the small space of the bathroom. She met her reflection under the harsh light, the heavy shadows lurking in her eyes and the dark smears under them. Wet strands stuck to her forehead, and she steadied herself against the sink and took the hairband off her wrist, pulling her hair out of her face to tie them tightly. Her eyes skipped to the mirror's left corner, meeting Kaden's as he stood by the door. He was quick to avert his gaze.

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