6: Deja vu

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Requested by: Izu_Afton1483
Ship: S2!Flowerhusbands + S1!Flowerhusbands
Word Count: 1383

Comparing the two seasons and how they've changed

Jimmy wasn't used to grass.

Whether it was visiting Joel or his ex-deputy, he wasn't touching grass. So he felt a bit odd sitting on a picnic blanket on a grassy flower hill, waiting for Scott of all people.

It was a weird thing to be doing this. Wasn't it?

Him and Scott barely talked, the last time they did was when Scott and Sausage had come to Tumble Town to 'tan.' He didn't know why he had done this for himself. He didn't know why he accepted the offer—he didn't know why Scott made the offer to begin with!

What he knew was simple, their relationship had more than what meets the eye. Whenever he was around Scott, he got this fuzzy feeling. Not romantic (he thinks), just this feeling. The only other time he remembers feeling this... feeling, was with Tango in double life.

He didn't know why it was with Scott though, it didn't make sense. "Jimmy! You found the blanket!" Scott brought a woven basket up the flower hill, taking a seat on the checkered cloth. "Yeah... it's kinda obvious when you're flying. It's hard not to see it." Scott nodded before opening his basket, taking out sandwiches and other various picnic snacks.

"How's tumble town? I noticed the giant mural with you and Joel." Scott asked as he handed Jimmy a sandwich, "Thanks, it's been good. The two sides of Tumble Town are feeling more connected with the railway. I've also been busy with an old friend of mine." That friend being the old sheriff, of course.

They sat in a comfortable silence, the wind gently blew against his back. Scott was humming a familiar tune, one he's heard before. Surely... he just couldn't put his finger on it. "Why'd you ask me for a picnic, Scott?" Jimmy broke the silence with his curiosity. Curiosity not only kills cats, but canaries.

Scott was slow with his response, he was cherry-picking what to say to Jimmy. "Hm? I... nevermind, you'd think it's crazy." He shrugged it off, looking away. Jimmy laughed at him, leaning back, "Have you met me? I'm sure a bad boy can handle crazy." Limited Life just ended, it was fresh on his mind.

Scott smiled a bit, "Did Grian ever mention... another life game? Did Tango bring it up during Double Life?" His tone sounded hopeful. Like Jimmy would already know what he was about to tell him. "I... No? I don't think so?" He did remember once waking up to Joel and Grian having a conversation without him. He overheard them.

Jimmy laid facing away from his allies, on the edge of his bed. He was wide awake, eavesdropping on what Grian and Joel were discussing. "What do you mean he doesn't remember? It's only been a year since Last Life, he's got to remember." Grian was awful at whispering. He was more just rapping out his rants.

"For you it's only been a year... on the other hand, for us..." Joel trailed off, weirdly quiet. He was almost always loud, so his mumbling stuck out to Jimmy. "How long? How is it long enough for you all to still look the same yet he's as ignorant as a newborn puppy?" Grian sounded annoyed more than anything.

"I don't know—but Scott and Jimmy aren't the same, okay? Pearl would've turned out the same if she hadn't switched to Hermitcraft last second. They died, Grian. Everyone died—they're all reincarnations. Does he still have the curse? Abso-fucking-lutely. But does he remember why he has the curse—Third Life or the Southerners? No." There was a long pause.

Jimmy didn't think much of it honestly. Joel was a demi-god, he must've seen stuff in the past. Joel was also off his rockers most the time, he wasn't a reliable source of information. "Why do you remember?" The two got off their beds, Jimmy could feel the beds that were pushed together stop sinking where they sat.

"I didn't die, that's why."

"Well, Martyn told me about it. Turns out there were two other games, that we were both part of. In a past life or something, got that?" Scott's statement smacked him in the face. No... Jimmy didn't 'got that.' Is that what Joel was talking about? "Mhm... are you sure he wasn't just messing with you?"

Scott was adamant on it, "I went around asking a bunch of people, individual of each other. I didn't tell Martyn I was looking into it, I don't think he would come up with what he had said." He took a pause, turning back to look at Jimmy in the eyes. His eyes were pretty, Jimmy liked Scott's blue eye more for some reason. It's icy gaze was comforting and familiar.

"He told me about us—Flower husbands." Jimmy hadn't ever heard those words verbally uttered before, during this lifetime anyway. But he knew it. He most definitely knew it considering he had a letter delivered from his 'flower husband' the day he had become sheriff. It was addressed to Jimmy, himself.

"And after some digging into history, I'm sure I've found my past—heck, I think I found yours too. It said I courted you, Jimmy. I just—" Jimmy fainted. He collapsed on the picnic blanket, leaving Scott to catch him before his head hit the grass.

"What's this for? A date?" Jimmy asked, grinning as he sat in the mine-cart in front of Scott. "Sure, you could call it that." Scott winked as he got in his own minecart, gently pushing Jimmy's before powering his own. "Woah, how long did this take you, Scott?" Jimmy asked, admiring the mountains of Rivendell.

The snowy tops were perfect and glimmering in the afternoon sun. "A couple days... ha." Scott chuckled, the ride was a bit bumpy but was thoroughly enjoyable for Jimmy. He liked the view, back at home the greatest views were of Mythland's tower tops (his neighbour was awfully annoying about it too, rubbing his phenomenal architecture in Jimmy's face).

Jimmy admired the mountains, ignoring the red tentacles sprouting from beneath the snow. "It's kinda cold up here, huh..." Home wasn't that warm, but honestly... Rivendell was just freezing. Before Scott could respond, they went into a mountain, a cave. His face was illuminated by the amethyst crystals decorating the tunnel.

Soon, the minecart came to a stop.

It jostled Jimmy quite a bit. He couldn't help but smile as he stepped out of his mine-cart. A grin snaking its way up his face, "This was all for me?" He glanced at Scott before going back to admiring it all. Spore blossoms were tied to the ceiling, a faint glow from the lichen on its walls. There was a table with candles burning on it, two seats facing each other.

"You like it, Jimmy?" Scott asked, he was really hoping it was all worth it. What he got confirmed what he wanted. "Yes! My gosh—this must've taken forever! You're absolutely awesome!" Jimmy swung his arms around him once Scott got out of his minecart. Hanging on tight as he hugged the taller.

"Thanks, let go before you ruin my style please." Scott smiled, Jimmy nodded and let go. "You added a cod pond! Can I take some home?" The blonde was all over the place. He was now kneeled down by the pond, buckets ready. "Course, I got them for you, Jimmy."


"Jimmy!" A bucket of water was poured on him, he shot awake. Eyes wide, sputtering. "Puh—What's... What's going on—!" Jimmy adjusted to the light. "You're fine, you're fine. You passed out on our picnic, remember?" Scott carried a large pail, presumably where the water was from. Jimmy nodded slowly, looking around.

It was the interior of one of Scott's buildings in Chromia. Jimmy could tell by the colourful painted walls and the window frames. "Yeah... and I just had the weirdest dream..." He noticed the plate of food on the nightstand. "I made rice and cod, dunno what you like to eat I just had it on hand." Scott picked it up, holding it to Jimmy for him to eat.

"Thank you, Smajor."

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