20-Finally saved

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Alluka? Are you ok? Yeah i feel...great, for some reason. She wasn't any less scared of the situation, but it was also exciting.

Allmight started pummeling the creature, which Shigaraki called a 'Nomu'. Alluka's excitement turned to worry as the fight went on. She could sense with each punch, Allmight was getting weaker. The shockwaves driving everyone around to their knees, whipping wind through the trees and blowing them back. Alluka had to duck under a tree, eyes wide as he kept punching over and over again. "A REAL HERO WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY FOR JUSTICE TO BE SERVED!" Allmight shouted, flinging the Nomu hard into the ground. "Now for a lesson, you've heard these words before but let me tell you what they really mean. Go beyond, PLUS ULTRA!"

The whole stadium trembled as the Nomu flew out of the dome, leaving all of the hero course students in awe. However Alluka wasnt looking at the hole in the stadium. She was looking at Allmight. His body was....steaming. That's...not normal. Not at all. He's pushed past his limit. Allmight kept talking the villains down, but it was sheer bluff at this point. Shigaraki started scratching his neck in agitation, a hateful look in his eyes. "What? Are you scared?" Allmight said, grinning. The purple mass started whispering to Shigaraki.

The villains around them started waking up. Alluka noticed how Midoryia's eyes were riveted on Allmight, concern on his face. He knows Allmight can't do it on his own... Suddenly he let out a burst of power and hurtled in the direction of the fray, clenching his fist. "DON'T YOU TOUCH ALLMIGHT YOU STUPID VILLAIN!" he yelled. Alluka gasped. Midoriya! Shigiraki's hand stretched towards him, through the purple mist's void gate. Shigiraki laughed maniacally, eyes wide and crazed.


A gunshot echoed through the dome, blood spilling from the hand. Midoriya fell, and Alluka's eyes snapped towards the entrance. The heroes! They're here! "Sorry everyone we're a bit late, but I got everyone over as quick as we could," a tiny mouse said, riding on the shoulder of one of the pros. Alluka got to witness the powerful quirks the pros had, but that wasn't what she was focused on. "Midoriya hey!" Kirishima yelled, starting to run over towards them. Alluka was running too, when suddenly a large wall shot up underneath her and flung her into the air. "WAH!" she yelped, eyes wide. Midoriya gasped. "Alluka-"

She fell on the ground with a thud, thankfully she used Ko to protect herself this time but she still wheezed a little. "Ow-" She looked up, Midoriya was staring at her in absolute horror. "D-don't look-" Alluka scowled at Allmight. Allmight blinked, he was in his weaker form. "Uh-" Alluka got to her feet then walked over and slapped him. "YOU STUPID OLD MAN!"

509 words

To be continued...

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