11-Lunch time

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Alluka groaned, resting her head on the desk. This is so hard. Alluka had never really been properly schooled, she'd known that might be an issue walking in. but she didn't expect it to be this hard. She'd had to ask Nanika for help several times, but most of the time she didn't even know how to help. Soon enough, it was lunch time. Alluka didn't even bother going for a school lunch, she'd already brought hers from home. Her eyes scanned the tables, trying to look for someone she knew. There! Her eyes lit up on Sato and Ashido sitting together with Kaminari.

Alluka walked over with a smile. "Hi!" Ashido glanced up and her eyes shined. "Alluka! Come sit with us!" She took a seat next to Sato, grinning. "I have a present for you." Kaminari shot a jealous look at Sato, which Alluka ignored. Maybe I'll get him a present tomorrow too. Sato looked slightly surprised. "Really?" She nodded, then pulled a red velvet cupcake out of it. She offered it to him. "This is for you! As thanks for the brownies."

Sato laughed awkwardly as he stared at the cupcake. It was...kind of burnt, and the frosting was melting. And it was pretty dry. Ashido tilted her head slightly. "Brownies?" Alluka nodded. "Yeah, Sato gave me some brownies a few days ago. So I wanted to return the favor!" Sato took the cupcake, then gave her a thumbs up. "It looks...very delicious," he said, with a chuckle. Alluka beamed. "Thanks! I made it myself" Alluka you can't bake. Nanika said dryly. H-hush! Alluka retorted in her mind, face flushing a little.

Sato stared at the cupcake for a moment, then took a bite. Alluka's eyes shined. "Is it good?" Sato nodded, a bit of a strained look on his face. "Mhm!" He quickly wolfed down the rest of it, then took a giant swig of water. "It tastes great Alluka." Alluka smirked a little. See? He loved it. He has a look of pain on his face. Alluka hesitated, then looked closer at Sato's expression. You're...right. She sighed, looking down. Ashido frowned. "What's wrong?" Alluka shook her head, taking a bite of a doughnut she'd packed for lunch. "I can't bake, I know Sato only ate it because he didn't want to be mean..." Don't feel sad...I'm sorry...I love Alluka! Alluka smiled softly. I love you too Nanika, and it's ok. I'd rather you be honest with me actually.

"Well..yeah, it wasn't that good," Sato said awkwardly. As Alluka sank a bit into her chair he continued. "But, I know what you did wrong." Alluka looked up. "Really?" he nodded, smiling. "You just left it in the oven for too long, and put the frosting on before it cooled. Next time if you take it out a bit earlier and wait for it to cool down before frosting it, it'll taste a lot better!" Alluka's glum expression turned into a happy smile once more. "Oh! Yeah I can do that! Thanks!" Kaminari looked quizzically at Sato. "How do you know anything about baking?" he asked, a hint of confusion in his voice. Sato looked a little embarrassed. "Well I...bake in my free time, because of my quirk." Before Kaminari could respond, the lunch bell rang. Alluka gathered her things, an excited glint in her eye.

Next class is gonna be so exciting! I can't wait!

564 words

To be continued...

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