18- Villain attack!

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"Stay together and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!" Aizawa barked. "This is real, those are villains." Aizawa donned his goggles, yanking on his scarf to get ready for combat. Alluka threw on her mask to hide her face. Her classmates were panicking around her, but she didn't feel as scared as she thought she should've been. Alluka had seen evil, had looked it right in the face. She'd spoken with human beings who wanted nothing more than to use her like a plaything. These villains, didn't even compare to the raw strength and power of the sinister aura she'd had to share a house with.

Sato quickly shoved her behind him, in an effort to protect her. Alluka let him, unsure how to respond to this threat. She didn't really know how she...could. They might not be scary, but I'm still in danger. "Kaminari, try using your quirk to contact the school." Alluka glanced over. I know, I could teleport someone! Wait, that's a big wish... Alluka was taken by surprise as Aizawa rushed into the thick of the villains, and started absolutely kicking ass. Her eyes shined as she watched, peeking out from behind Sato's side. He's really cool! Alluka had known he was a lot more physically capable than he looked from the very beginning, but seeing that capability in action was really something else.

She was so distracted by the scene that it came to a shock to her as it was interupted by a thick purple mist. Her eyes widened, and she shoved Sato out of the mist. Well, tried. Alluka wasn't exactly strong enough to do that. Thankfully, it worked as another one of the students pulled him out. Alluka let out a gasp as she fell down and down. She thought fast, activating Ko on her feet so she didn't stumble when she landed. Immediately rain pelted her body, and a hand helped her up. "You alright?" Tokoyami said. Alluka nodded. "Y-Yeah-" they both froze as villains surrounded them. Tokoyami's quirk, Dark Shadow, raised it's claws and hissed. "Get low" Alluka quickly crouched, letting Tokoyami fend the villains off.

She felt a bit guilty because it was a lot to handle for one person. Alluka sucked in a breath, then made a wish. Nanika, give me some small rocks! Kay! The rocks materialized in her hands and she winced as a splitting headache banged in her skull. Ow- She quickly conjured a slingshot, her big brother had pushed the fact she needed to be able to conjure herself a weapon if she ever needed it and she decided on a slingshot. She hummed, enforcing the tiny rocks with her Nen as she aimed and fired. One of the villains let out a grunt and fell as she hit the reflex point on his knee, the one that triggered a spasm reflex. That moment was the perfect time for Dark shadow to swoop in and toss the villain through a window. Both of them kept silent as they finished defeating the villains. It took a while, but it was eventually done.

"There are students in other zones, we should go help them." Alluka nodded. "Osu." Tokoyami blinked. "Huh?" Alluka flushed a bit. "N-Nevermind." They kept moving, eventually making it to the end of the downpour zone. "Where to next?" Tokoyami asked her. Alluka hummed. "Well maybe somewhere we would do well in. Like-"

"NOW YOU DIEEE!" Alluka blinked as she heard Midorya's voice. That was uncharacteristic of him... "There." Tokoyami followed as Alluka led the way. She was hoping to help rescue Midoriya and whoever was with him, however she saw Tsuyu hauling both him and Mineta over her shoulder. Well, one was with her tongue. They splashed down into the shallow part of the water, and Alluka ran over, not caring much as she waded through the water. "Hi! Me and Tokoyami just escaped from the-" , "No time, Mr. Aizawa might be in trouble!" Midoriya said. Alluka nodded, then the pair started traveling with the previous party of three.

As they kept going, suddenly they came upon a scene. A scene that made Alluka freeze up. There was a massive...creature, standing over Mr. Aizawa. It's hand was on the back of his head, slamming his head into the ground again, and again, and again. Each time his face thudded down onto the concrete, her companion's faces grew more and more sickened. But Alluka, she wasn't afraid. No.

She was fucking pissed.

How- How dare that...THING, hurt Mr. Aizawa! She was filled with disgust the minute she laid her eyes on the filthy creature. Alluka had heard stories of the war, of the ants that devoured thousands of people. She had never felt such...utter rage."I-I can't watch this anymore..." Mineta whispered, his voice muffled by the shaking hand that covered his mouth. Suddenly out of nowhere, a pale haired man leapt at her. Alluka slowly looked up as he descended on her. "Let's wreck his pride, kill a few kids-" Alluka's hand latched onto his arm, then yanked him at an angle, slamming him into the ground. "You fucking BITCH!"

874 words

To be continued...

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