≪•◦ sleep is for the weak ◦•≫

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Lloyd: It's nice to be wanted, you know?

Y/n: Not by the law!


*Y/n falls over*

Lloyd: Y/n! Are you alright?

Y/n: Is that you, God?

Lloyd: What?

Y/n: It's just, you sound a lot more like Lloyd than I expected.


Y/n: Good morning. As you begin your day, remember that violence is always an option and often the answer.



Lloyd: ...Please, go back to bed.


Lloyd, at Starbucks: Can I get a Venti vanilla latte with um, seven espresso shots.

Y/n, in line behind them: Jesus Christ, just do cocaine.


Lloyd: This is a bad idea.

Y/n: Then why are you coming along?

Lloyd: Someone has to get your injured ass home.


they ARE the crack couple.

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